Chapter 7

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Tobi's POV //the next day//

Jason escorts me to the support group area, I come in and see Everyone there.. Apart from Josh and Vik, I looked at Harry to see he was crying silently, but he wasn't shaking, wasn't bouncing his leg up and down.. Just crying. Where are Vik and Josh?

I sit down next to Harry and Simon. I lean over to Harry and whisper. "Where is Vik and Josh?" Is eyes instantly widened before he shook his head. But he was mute, didn't tell me. What's happening?

I see Mr smith walk in and sit down in the only chair that's not been seated and he sighs loudly. "Hello guys, as you can tell Vik isn't here today, he's In separate room being questioned." "Why is he being questioned?" JJ asks. All of us confused.

"Vikk relapsed, and I'm hoping you all know what that is, but luckily, Harry found Vik in their bathroom vomiting up all the food he has been given, and Parsees the red button for us to pick him up." I felt Harry cringe when he mentioned his name and my eyes widened, Harry told the nurse? Why does he cringe at that, he did the right thing. "And for Josh?" Simon asks, and the doctor just laughed.

"That's classified information." He says, which makes me squint my eyes, 'Classified information?' Why is telling us where someone is, classified.

"Today we are going to think of the reason as to why all of these mental illnesses came about." "I already know where mine come from you idiot." "And where is that Ethan?" The doctor asked Ethan and he just rolled his eyes. "If you payed attention To the last fucking session, I said bullies." He spits, anger clear in his system. "What would they do to you?" "More of what they called me." He says, before looking away. "Tobi, what do you think came about with you?" He asks me and I just look down, "Abusive relationship." "In what was abusive." "All the things you can think with abuse, on the end, you've got it." I say mockingly at him. "So sexual abuse?" "Yep, that's one of them." I whisper. Before furrowing my eyebrows, the more I thought about it the more it hurt, the thought of my boyfriend, raping me, well, not thought, a flashback. It hurt, because it shows he only used me as a punching bag, a name catcher, and a sex object.

"And what would he do to you?" "Bit personal isn't it?" JJ jumps in, making the doctor roll his eyes. "Okay than, JJ, why did you start drugs then?" "I got persuaded." "By who?" "Friends." He says quite calmly, relaxed, leaning back like he was the boss. "And your friends mad you try what?" "Weed." He says, so.. Uncaringly. "And you say you where persuaded?"

"Yes, I was, I was drunk, and decide drugs where better than alcohol. Good stress reliever, you should try some." He says before staring at Harry. Harry's hands now shaking slightly. "It's the s-sort of thing t-that caused m-my mum to l-leave my dad and almost g-get my dad to k-kill me and my b-brother." Harry States. Before looking down again. "You say that with a stutter Harry, why do you think you have anxiety?" "My mum, and t-then my dad." He says.

"How did your mum cause you to have anxiety?" "Yeah, she left... my dad b-because she couldn't love with someone const-stantly harming himself with drugs, s-o she left, and didn't take us with her, which caused me to hate everything the world threw at me, except my t-two siblings." "You where close with your siblings, Josh and Rosy." The doctor asks. "That's the p-point, were, c-lose now dad manip-manipulated Rosy into taking drugs and they h-ave Josh. And I can't protect him." Harry interjects, before looking down, sighing loudly. Unsure of what to do with himself. "Simon, how do you think your schizophrenia kicked in?" The doctor asked, but Simon was just staring at the corner of the room, his arms hugging his knees as he sat awkwardly on the stool. "Simon?" The doctor asked again, he didn't snap out of it.

"Eh, who cares, he a lost cause anyway." My eyes instantly widened in shock that he said that, a doctor, that's meant to help Simon, to help all of us, and he did nothing. "Excuse me, he gets a chance to speak for himself." I step up for Simon. This is bang out of order. "There's no point in talking to him, he will never listen to human people, only his imagination." "So when he almost chocked himself to death you just thought, 'oh he's a lost cause' and didn't help? His brother couldn't save him so he put him in here to get help, I'm sure he'd love to be at home, but this shit is truly disgusting." I rant at him, before shaking Simons leg, which snapped him out of his trance

"See how easy it is to gain his attention, just because he doesn't respond to his name being called, doesn't mean he's a lost cause. Pathetic." I spit at the doctor, before leaning back. Disgusted in his antics.

"So, Simon, how do you think you started getting schizophrenia?" The doctor asked, like nothing happend, I rolled my eyes.

"I was Often quite alone, and introverted, I talked to myself about conversations I might have with people, and one day something answered, a quiet voice. But it still answered, and every question I asked the voice got louder, till I learnt Frans name and age I started seeing her. She was so nice, amazing to me, wouldn't help me when my mum abused me-" "Your mum abused you?" "Yeah, didn't I mention that?" Simon asked, but silence only occurred and the doctor shaking his head.

"Long story short my mum drank a lot and took her anger out on me because I was the most disappointment of the three of us, so she used to hit me and that's what made me an introvert and very alone as I just got on with work and didn't talk." Simon explained before he continues with his actual story.

"Once I had a fight with Fran and she tried strangling me, which obviously made me realise she was evil, from than on she only said mean things to me and the day my brother emitted me to the hospital was because apparently I had grabbed a knife and had it to my throat screaming 'Somebody help me' before throwing something off me, which was her, and running to the corner, where he told me to stay as he phoned the police." Simon said, before.. laughing? "It was funny, because I could of Killed myself and pain would of been drowned in my own blood." He says, making my eyes widen, woah...

"Have you ever thought about killing yourself?" "Yeah, because when my mum said mean things the words would linger inside me and then Fran also saying them hurt me, an created more pain for me. So I wanted it to end. The pain to end." He says simply, before looking back at the corner of the wall, most probably Fran catching his attention again. "Mad.." Ethan whispers.

"Support session is over." The doctor says loudly, making everyone jump, before walking to the exit. Suddenly the doors burst open and Josh came wheeled in, I furrow my rubrics as he stared at us, him now been buckled down by chains to the wheel chair. He was sweating, and red faced. "Where the the hell were you?" JJ asks and Josh nodded, catching his breathe. He wheeled himself to the circle where everyone was, and sighed heavily.

"They took me to this room with weird looking things such as -" "Joshua Bradley do not tell other patients classified imformation." "OH FUCK YOU." Josh shouts at the intercom.

What happened?
I hope you guys enjoyed this, if you did, please comment! Otherwise, I'll talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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