Together we are stronger

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The first reason Zarya hated the Omnics was that the Omnics had destroyed her hometown but not that. The Omnics had also taken her brother/sister away from Zarya. (Y/n) had disappeared overnight without any trace, Zarya remained traumatised by her separation with her brother/sister and she had vowed to become stronger to protect the one she loved. Zarya was getting stronger but she had never found her brother/sister since the day he/she disappeared. She was beginning to lose hope, but she did continue to protect the people she loved. The day you got caught by Omnics, your life has completely tilted. The Omnics tortured you every day without remorse, you began to lose patience and your pain became unbearable. When you finally thought you wanted to die, people came to save you.


You no longer felt your right arm, you no longer saw with your left eye and your left leg made you atrociously suffer. Your breathing was heavy, you hurried quickly and you heard people come to your room. Your eyes began to fill with tears of sorrow. Your wounds triggered an atrocious sensation of suffering inside you. The door slowly opened with mechanical sounds, you looked at your only eye that was walking and you saw two people coming in your direction. You could see blurry shapes, of course, but you knew that they were humans with their bodies and the sounds they made. You heard shouts coming from the blond-haired woman, and the man was running towards you, detaching your bonds. Sleep was beginning to take hold of you. The woman approached you and your wounds did you less harm. You did not know it at the time but with your wounds and the amount of blood you had lost, you should have died for a long time. You did not know, but you had a determination, and that determination had kept you alive. The fact of being able to find your sister also keeps you alive. You would then fall into a restful sleep and suffering.

You woke up in a hospital room, by reflex you got up on the bed and you felt your right arm again. You watched its right away and you now noticed that it was made of metal. You were looking at your left leg and it was also metallic. You were about to get up but the door opened and you stayed on your bed. It was the same blonde woman you had met before."How do you feel?" You let a nervous laugh escape from your throat and you raised your head. "What should I say? I have just been tortured by Omnics for over 2 years and now I find myself with metallic members. Like the body of my enemies." The woman sighed softly and sat on a chair near her desk."True, I should have asked your opinion but it was the only way to keep you alive. And you're mistaken, not all Omnics are as bad as you think." You got up in anger, your right leg made you suffer but your anger got the better of you. You forgot your pain completely and you concentrated only on the woman in front of you. "What do you want me to think?! From my birth, my country is at war with the Omnics! They killed most of the people I loved and once they did, they imprisoned me for torturing me! I never once met an Omnic who did not try to kill me! And you want me to think there are still pacifist Omnics?! Do not give a damn about me."

The woman got up from her obviously angry chair too, you were both very close to each other. Your anger had reached their paroxysm. The woman seemed to be irritated by your words and you were angry at the sentence she said earlier."The people I liked have also fallen under the blows of Omnics, but that does not mean that all Omnics are like that! I met Omnics with a heart as kind as humans! You fell on Omnics created to kill humans but the rest of the Omnics are nice people!" The more the discussion went on, the more you did not think about what you were saying and your remarks did not reflect what you were thinking. "Omnics are just objects! They are not even supposed to have a conscience!" The woman's eyes were wide open to shock but you felt a pain in your cheek right after. The woman had just given you a slap. You were shocked for a few moments but the woman eyes were starting to get wet."I will not let you say more bullshit about the Omnics. Even if you've had a tough childhood because of the Omnics, that does not mean you can talk about Omnics like that." You closed your eyes to think of something other than the Omnics. You breathed calmly and sat on your bed. You stood up and walked toward the door. You stopped just before you went through the door. "Okay, I'll let you know that I got carried away. But for me, the Omnics are now my enemies. I thank you for having cared for me, I will know how to manage with my new body. Goodbye." You looked at the woman one last time and then you left from the base of Overwatch. You did not know that day, but it is on this same base that you will find your sister years later.

End of Flash-back

In the years that followed, you wanted to prove the facts of this woman. Even if you were not really excited about wanting to, you had to know if you were right or the woman was right. You wanted to believe in these words, you wanted to prove yourself that Omnics with a good heart existed on this planet and that they were not all killers. In the end, you found several but you remembered mostly two Omnics. Zenyatta and Genji. They had changed your vision a lot compared to other Omnics. You had been with these two people for several years to calm your mind. You were now dealing with humans and Omnics in the same way. You had learned from Genji that the woman who had saved him was the same who had saved you and that her name was Angela or Mercy at Overwatch. You were thinking about what you had to do, did you have to go back to the base to apologise to Angela or did you just have to say something? You had chosen the first option because after all, you could not find anything to do so a little detour will not kill you. You were entering the base with the help of Genji and Zenyatta. You were looking for the woman everywhere, but Genji told you she was in the medical bay. So you were heading towards the medical bay watching the details of the base. By the way, you saw a woman who looked very much like your sister. She just had a scar on her forehead that your sister did not have.

You were ignorant of this detail and you continued your way to the medical bay. What you did not know was that this woman was your sister. She had also had the same doubt as you, but before your separation, you did not have an arm and a mechanical leg as well as a scar on your left eye. And knowing that she had a hatred against the Omnics she would never have thought you would have had a half-Omnic and half-human body. You were banging at the door of the medical bay and Angela opened the door for you. She seemed surprised at your presence here but you could understand her. "May I know the reason for your presence here?" You shook your head and pointed your metal arm. "I thought about what you told me at our first meeting about the Omnics. It's true you were right, there are Omnics with good hearts. I met two people who changed my vision and you know them."

She let you go into her office and you sat in front of Angela. She put her files on her table and she was looking at you. "Who are these people?" "Genji and Zenyatta." "Are they here in Overwatch?" "Yes, they're here." "Also, there's a person who wants to see you. She said you knew her well. She did not think you'd be alive too." "Really? Where can I find her?" "You just have to wait here, she will arrive in a few moments." "Okay, thanks." Angela was leaving the office and you were waiting quietly in her office. You were thinking of the person who could see you and the only clue that you had was that the person was a woman. You could hear footsteps behind the door, then the door would open and the woman you'd met just before would go back into the room. "Are you (Y/n)?"

She wore a heavy Russian accent and you just nodded. She took a place and she watched you calmly but very carefully at the same time. "How did you get these mechanical prostheses?" "When I was captured by the Omnics, they were the ones who tortured me. Overwatch got me back and they put me these prostheses." "So now you're like an Omnic." You got up from your chair and you watched your sister, she was angry you were sure of that. "I know what you can think of Zarya. The Omnics are the only ones who have destroyed our country. But does that mean they only have Omnics created to kill? The war is over sister, we must think of something else now." She stood up pointing at you, those green eyes were trying to pierce your soul but you did not give in. "The Omnics took our family away from us, the Omnics killed what we loved without mercy! How can you remain so optimistic about the Omnics?" "I spent half my life thinking about evil compared to Omnics, after my incident I wanted to know if there was any good Omnics left. And I got a positive answer. Make yourself a reason Zarya, all Omnics are not bad." Zarya's gaze faded, you felt slightly more relaxed. Then you felt two powerful arms wrapped around you. "I was afraid of losing you (Y/n) ..." "But I'm here now. And I'll stay with you forever."


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