Wanted: Dead or Alive

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Jesse was ordering everyone to back up, they were easily outnumbered. A giant man with a shield was protecting the enemy and they hadn't enough fire to burst it. But the enemy had too much fire and could easily eliminate them. Jesse was watching everyone he cared for getting killed. His eyes burned with tears but he angrily wiped them. He reloaded his trusted gun then he shot everyone he could that was in his sight. But what he didn't expect was someone sneaking behind him.

"McCree! Behind!" A teammate shouted and he turned around just to be met by a fist in his face. His hat flew away because of the wind. He groaned as his butt was on the ground. The person who hit him didn't let him do anything else and Jesse got knocked out. The person chuckled as they put him on their shoulder.

"Okay, guys we can return to the base! I doubt the Deadlock gang will recover from this!" The teams returned to the facility to interrogate a certain outlaw.

You never heard of your younger brother after he left your family to go on his own adventure. It was his wish, to disappear without a trace. You missed him, his silly idea of being a cowboy, he's acting of riding a horse or shooting some invisible enemies. You thought he would call or write you a letter. But he never did. And when you knew what he did just after leaving the family, you didn't want him to do. You erased him from your memories, you pretended he never existed so it would ease your mind.

You continued your studies but work behind a desk? It wasn't your interest, you were attracted to do something else so you went to the army. Then, an organization picked up your curiosity. They called themselves Overwatch. But behind this face, there was someone else, Blackwatch. You were recruited here. It did please you, even if the journey to go there was tough. Therefore, here you were, in front of the interrogation room. Your other boss left the room with a sigh, his face showing only anger. He also a slight bruise on his face. His costume revealing all his medals. 

"I'm leaving this to you, agent." Jack let you alone with this person. You entered the room with your mask on. The man was also bruised. His outfit was dirty and he was still bleeding. His eyebrows raised when you entered the room.

"What? Ya tryin' to convince me too? Get lost!" You chuckled as his accent sounded like your bother's. You took a seat in front of you. 

"Nope, just getting some info. What's your name?" The man mumbled something under his breath.

"I ain't tellin' ya anything if ya keep this mask on you." You laughed heartily as this man was as stubborn as your brother.

"So you will tell me if I remove my mask? Then, I guess I'll go first." You grabbed your mask and put it away on the table. The eyes of the man widened. You almost saw tears in it but he looked away. You gripped your notebook tighter to write his name on it.

"I know ya, (Y/n)? Is that ya?" You raised your eyebrows in curiosity. You wondered how this outlaw knew your name. You weren't famous, not at all and your name didn't show up on a lot of documents and certainly not in some important ones. And if you met this man before, you would have remembered.

"I still don't know your name-" 

"It's me! Jesse!" You would have dropped your notebook if you believed him. But you didn't, at least not yet. And even if he was, saying this name wouldn't bring him many things besides more troubles. You came back into a more serious expression. There was no time for being amused anymore.

"The same Jesse leaving our family in debt because he wanted an adventure on his own? Therefore decided that his family had to crawl into criminality as well? Drinking alcohol every day, drowning himself in it? The one who became a worldwide criminal? The one who disappeared from our sight suddenly, and never reappeared not even when our parents died? But the only time I hear from you is at my job, as a criminal? Yeah, sure, you do sound like him," You spat out as you rubbed your eyes to not let your anger get the best of you. Jesse watched the ground as if it would save him from anything. But it wouldn't. It was time for him to take the cold shower that was reality.

"I'm not doing this because I still believe in you. Honestly, I've lost faith in you a long time ago but my boss thinks you could be a great asset to us. So I'm gonna skip everything. You don't accept, you'll rot in prison until you die there for all the crimes you did. You accept you'll work for them to do the dirtiest work you could imagine. But you'll still have your freedom. Choose wisely, Jesse McCree." You left the room, slamming the door just as Jack had done minutes ago.

Time Skip

It's been years, and as you know, Jesse had accepted to work for Blackwatch. But after the accident that happened at the headquarter in Switzerland, this time, it was for Jesse to not hear anything from you. There was no news mentioning you, and he searched honestly. Even if you were cold to him during your time working for Blackwatch, he tried to apologize to you. You didn't soften for some solid years, but he did notice the change in your behaviour towards him and when he thought you would forgive him, the fall of Overwatch happened, bringing everyone down. And you were never to be seen again.

Until this day, Jesse was in a hotel room he booked for the night. There was another hat of cowboy placed down on his table, it looked similar to his. He raised his eyebrows as he extinguished his cigar. He put a hand on his revolver then switched on the lights. He felt something on his temple and he grabbed his peacekeeper but he heard a bang. He waited his fall, but surprisingly he was still standing on his own two feet, but the feeling on his temple faded until it disappeared.

"Bang!" Someone shouted and he looked at the person. They had a cloak so he couldn't put a name on their face but their voice sounded familiar. He was on his guard, he didn't know anything about them and he was wanted.

"I can't stay here long, but it was nice seeing your brother. To see that you're actually caring for yourself alone is surprising... Though I'm a bit worried about your love life." You pulled out your cloak as you smirked at your brother. His eyes widened as he noticed how much life treated you harder than it did with him. Even if he could only see your face, he saw all the scars on it and he could only imagine the rest of your body. You were still his sibling, so he didn't think differently of you but the last time he talked with you was what? Five years ago maybe? And wow, you changed so much he thought he was seeing a stranger. 

"Heh, what 'bout ya huh? My love life is fine. And how can you even know that?" You shrugged as you couldn't tell it.

"My sources, plus I just have to look at your bank account to see your money mostly goes to the same bar to buy the same drinks." You chuckled, Jesse slightly punched your arm but he chuckled with you too. He placed down his hat on the table next to yours.

"So, you finally realized of being a cowboy? I'm proud of you Jesse, I'm sorry to leave so early but I can't stay here." Jesse nodded then he opened his arms to engulf you into a hug.

"I'm sorry for not havin' being able to be there for mom and dad." You broke the hug as you had to leave before they locate you. You ruffled his hair in a way that reminded him of when you two were younger, messing around the house and succeeded to do a joke on your parents.

"I forgave you a long time ago, I'm sure they do too. Take care of yourself, cowboy." You left the hotel by the window and disappeared into the night. Jesse watched you leaving with a smile.

"And you too, sheriff."

A/n: next chapter will be Baptiste, and maybe I'll have the motivation and inspiration to do the others I didn't and some more chapter. But for now, I know the Baptiste will come out soon. Take care of y'all

Picture: https://hisonae.tumblr.com/post/181805566227/deadlock-mccree


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