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Ok, did anyone notice I've been giving small movies away?

The one that might be most obvious is Checkers (which her name is a Easter egg).

If you've seen the movie, Coraline, you'd see that a girl meets a cat that doesn't talk until she is with her 'other' world.

If you've seen the movie, Coraline, you'd see that a girl meets a cat that doesn't talk until she is with her 'other' world

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Checkers also shares the sane blue eyes and has some black fur. I loved this movie growing up and thought it would be a nice touch for suspense and 'oooh! Isn't that from a movie?' kind of thoughts.

Now, in Over Watch, there is a cat named Checkers who belongs to a robot.

Also, I used a little Alice in Wonderland in this..

When you get 'attacked' by that man and find yourself on the ground in the EXACT spot before you saw the hand, which I just thought of The Monkey's Paw.

Alice, after her adventure with the White Rabbit, ends up under the SAME EXACT tree before she followed the White Rabbit.

So, keep an eye out for more little hints I put in!

~ BrownENH

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