Chapter 2

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I arrived to school just before the bell rang. I was often late when I didn’t stop to help practical strangers.  So, it seemed strange that I made it on time.  “Everybody take a seat.  Homeroom period is about to start.” Mr. Lee said.  Mr. Lee was our teacher. He was quite surprised to see me. I didn’t like the look on his face when he looked at me. He would always show annoyance to every student who came late. However, the only exception was Candace. He was sweet on Candace. In fact, every teacher liked her. Most students knew her and adored her. She was thought to be nice by most people and had good grades and the good reputation that usually goes with that.

When Candace arrived, Mr. Lee smiled at her and said “Good morning, Candace!”

“Hello, Mr. Lee!” Candace said as she winked at him.

“Candace!! I couldn’t find it!” someone shouted as she came huffing and puffing late into the classroom. It was Rena.

“Oh, Rena that’s so sad,” Candace said with pouty lips that kinda seemed fake.

“The two of them know each other?” I asked myself.

Homeroom finally began. We talked about how our class must do well on the upcoming midterm. I wasn’t engaged at all. I knew that I wasn’t going to try. No one’s going to care if I do well anyway. My mom only cares about how she’s going get her next paycheck  and when she will take her  next trip to Vegas.  I spent the whole homeroom period thinking of Mr. Lee and how he was such a bad teacher because he’s such a jerk.  He  always showed favoritism to the rich kids and those students who already had high grades. He didn’t really care if you were struggling or not.  One of my classmates, John, asked him for extra help in Math after school, but what he did instead was humiliate him.

“Even if I were to help you, you still would not pass because you don’t know the difference between “sin” and “sine.” Mr. Lee said these words to him for the cheap laughter he would get from the class that built up his ego so high. He’s such a phony. He would only crack rude jokes in front of the class, but when an administrator was there or a fellow teacher would stop by, he would act as if he was the kindest soul alive.

The next day during lunch, I went out of the classroom and climbed up to the rooftop.  I sat with my legs over the rain gutters and took out my lunch.  My lunch was pretty much just a ham sandwich, but at least I didn’t have to share it with other people. I didn’t have any friends since Luke moved away.  I always preferred to be alone. I can’t seem to trust anyone in this school or to be more exact, I don’t trust anyone. Well, I probably trust Sophia even if she isn’t that reliable. I guess mothers get automatic trust no matter what.

Suddenly, the wind was blowing again. It had this eerie feeling. It made me worry for a little bit. I continued to eat my sandwich.  While I was eating, I noticed that the watch I was wearing was not the watch that Luke had given me. It was a watch that I had never seen before and it was cheap.  I freaked out. You might think it’s weird that I didn’t notice my watch had been switched but I don’t really look at the time that often.  I walked around in circles trying to figure out what to do.  I knew that it was just a watch, but it was a gift from  my best friend, Luke.  After a few minutes, I finally decided  to get down from the roof and leave school early.

In the parking lot, I got in my car to go home so I could begin my search.

“Hey Sebastian, What’s the matt---” I heard as I hurried past Rena and Candace who were walking together.  I was in a rush and I didn’t really want to waste time responding. My having the wrong watch on was probably a curse for cursing at her the day before when she was looking for her lost necklace.

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