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"Welcome to Starbucks, how may I help you?"

"Oh, good, it's you. I thought it might be someone else."

"Sorry, do I know you?"

"Oh, uh, I came by yesterday and asked for a breakup remedy. Uh, you know, something to heal my black soul."

"I'm sorry, sir, I see a lot of people who have black souls."

"I broke up with my girlfriend and needed a really good drink. You gave me your specialty, the mint dark chocolate frappuccino. Ring any bells?"

"Oh! Yes, there was one extremely rude man that yelled at me. Does that happen to be you?"

"Yeah, and you said to come back tomorrow."

"I also said that I didn't forgive you."

"I'm sorry! I was in a really crappy mood. And right now, I need caffeine, so same as yesterday please."

"Don't you want to change it up a little?"

"Not really. That stuff is heaven."

"What if it's another one of my drinks?"

"Depends. What's in it?"

"Do you want it as a tea or frappucino?"

"Frappucino, please."

"Alright, it's a dark chocolate raspberry fusion frappucino. Sound good?"

"Sounds delicious."

"Great! That will be $4.95. Please move up to-"

"-the next window. I know."

The Breakup Remedy [1] Where stories live. Discover now