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Seravene woke with a start, eyes adjusting to a nurse next to her, checking an IV. Wait, a nurse?

She sat up and looked around. She was at the hospital! And she just slept in the same bed as Slater. Crap.

She saw Zuno sleeping in the crook of Slater's arm and smiled. Seravene carefully lifted Zuno up, trying not to wake Slater, nodded at the nurse, and left the room.

She got taxi and headed home, still sleepy and shocked that she slept on Slater's chest. Well, in her defense, it was a very nice chest.

As she opened the door, she was surprised to see her brother, Brandon, leaned against the counter with his arms crossed.

"Brandon? What are you doing here?"

"Oh, nothing, just wondering why the hell this guy was in your apartment."

He jerked his head towards the ground, where Jonathan lay, with a black eye.

"You knocked him out?" Seravene put Kazuno down and rushed to Jonathan's side.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Seravene shook her head. "He's just a friend."

Brandon's dark brown eyes grew darker.

"Then why the hell was he in your apartment?!"

"I-I don't know, okay? I don't know."

Brandon took in a shaky breath. "I'm gonna get him outta here."

"Brandon, why are you so upset?"

He turned around. "I think I know who left Kazuno at your door. And you're not gonna like it."

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