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Life wasn't excatly the best for me, but having my friends, it didn't matter to me - as long as everyone was happy. I didn't care how much I had to suffer. I was quite younger than my friends, okay not that much. I'm 15 and at the same grade level as my friends who are all 17 years old. They treat me like a baby.

I woke up in the Twilight Drive Inn again. Dad abused me so there was no reason to go home, but I needed clothes. So I woke up about 6 in the morning, I was always outside near the back. I walked to his place and sneak in. I change into a blank shirt with a cherry on it, I grab on my rose necklace - I never take it off expect last night, I had forgot it here which made me very worried. I slipped on my jeans and combat boots. I tie my red flannel around my waist and grab my leather jacket. I sneak out, quiet to make sure Dad doesn't hear me and beat me again.

I patelled to school and hide up in a tree, playing with my necklace whole I daydreamed. Dreaming was fun as I dreamed of a certain raven black haired boy. His sacsram and smiles in my mind, I loved his novel - the one on Jason Blossom's death. Cheryl - his twin was a narcissistic bitch with no heart. Expect maybe for Jason.

"Hey Everdeen!" I looked down to see Juggie's smile and he held up some bread like normal. I cracked a grin.

"Is that Peeta beard?" I ask.

"Of course."

I climbed down and we sat on the steps eating Peeta beard. It was a normal routine for us. I waited in the tree for Juggie and he bring the bread. We laughed our asses off as we ate. "Prim how are you always here before me?" He asks as he drinks his pop.

I went quiet. Jug didn't know of my living......problem nor of the abuse - despite living next to me all my life. "Uh..," I played with my bottle of pop. "The early bird gets the worm?" I look at him.

"Yea, I guess so huh," he laughs, I was relieved - I didn't want him or our friends to know. They would look at me different and I'm already different as it is. Soon kids piled the school and we hide off into waiting for Archie.

We were the 3 musketeers.

Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, and Primrose Evergreen. It's us against them, all. That's the way it was until Archie, this summer started acting weird leaving me and Juggie all alone. But then again, it was me and Juggie before the three of us - so it was okay. "Hey Archie do you think me and Prim can skip PE for the grieve over Jason?" Asks Jug as we walked to Archie.

"Juggie I know we don't like them but that's disrespectful," I hiss nudging him. He shrugs making me roll my eyes. Soon the jokes come in and I cringed at their cocky smell. Ew.

"Oh look the rich kids from the Goonies, come on Prim," Jug grabs my hand and we walk pass them until Reggie shoves us.

"Watch Wednesday Adams and Girl on Fire!"

I hated him called me that, all cause we read the Hunger Games series. I hated it, Juggie knew that and our friends knew that. Hell people who didnt know me knew I hated it. I cringe keeping myself from pouncing, Juggie drags me to our first class before I can make a comment as much as he wanted to make one as well.

Wednesday Adams, personally my favorite Adam. But when Reggie called him that, I told Jug - he was the Gomez to my Morticia. It was our thing to be partners in crime like Bonnie and Clyde. He turns to me once out of Reggie's sight. "Don't listen to him okay?"

"I'm trying not to Jug."

"I know now come on, the school awaits their best students and future Adams family," he grins. I chuckle looping arms with him as we waltzed into first period.

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