Bombs Away (Aaron)

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Aaron was determined to stop this. He would need to figure out how to get explosives, though. Neither him or Chloe can exactly just stroll into town and ask for some bombs.

"Uh... Who's that?" Chloe asks, pointing in the distance. A man about 30 is staring at them. He is wearing strange blue pants, with a plain white t-shirt.

"I don't know!" Aaron replies, dumfounded. "Hello? Who are you?" Aaron yells.

The man briskly walked towards them. As he gets closer, Aaron sees that the man is wearing strange shoes. They come up to his shins, and seem to be very uncomfortable.

"Where did you kids come from?" The man asks, with a look of curiosity on his face.

"Over there!" Chloe exclaims, pointing towards the direction they came from.

"The only thing in that direction is forest," the man says, confused. "Are you sure that's where you came from?"

"Yep." Chloe says. The man shrugs.

"Okay, whatever. So, where do you live?" He asks.

"I... Don't know the name of the town. But it's in the direction we came from." Chloe says slowly. "We ran away because we didn't like the Ceremony of Fate."

The man stares at Chloe strangely for a few moments.
"The what?" He asks.

"Ceremony of Fate." Chloe says. "You know, where you decide whether you become immortal or die at that instant!"

"Heh, nice joke," The man says. Aaron looks at the ground. They are standing on... Concrete?

"Where are we?" Aaron asks, looking around for the first time. Tons of people are walking from house to house, in ridiculous clothes and carrying bags.

"Hershey, Pennsylvania. Why?" The man asks.
"What is going on?" Aaron asks.

"Uh, kid, it's Halloween." The man says. "Are you from around here?"

"Yes! There is a... Community, I guess you could call it, in the woods! It's where we came from!" Aaron yells. A teenage girl in a black cape and red tie walks past, glaring at Aaron and Chloe.
"Look kid, the only thing in that direction is trees!" The man growls.

"You're wrong! And we're both 18, why do you keep calling us kids?" Chloe snarls.

The man rolls his eyes and begins to leave, but Chloe stops.
"Uh, sir? Sorry for yelling. Also, I have a question. Where could we get some explosives?" She asks, and the man gives them both a look of horror.

"I'm calling the cops!" He yells, and runs away.

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