Chapter Two

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The group walked into the building and we all took a seat at the back. I didn't bother to listen I just played with a loose thread on my shirt. So what if I know nothing about safety at this camp? When the woman who was talking finally finished up her talk it was dark outside and that meant it was time for dinner. We all piled out from the hall but I heard someone call to me.

"Oi, late blonde girl!" 

I turn around to see the gorgeous ginger standing behind me.

"Yes, ma'am?" I say and batter my eyelids at her.

"What's your name?" She said and popped a bubble with her gum.

"Perrie, Pez for short."

"Well, Perrie, Pez for short, we won't be seeing you being late again, right?"

" It won't happen again, Jes. Can I call ya Jes?" 

"That was a cute try at flirting sweetheart," She gives me a wink and wanders back into the crowd. 

My jaw drops as she walks away. Then it closes and turns into a small grin. Maybe this summer isn't going to completely suck. I follow the crowd of teenagers to another hall. Why does this camp have so many halls?

I find Veronica and we go to the food bar. The food actually looked decent and something I wanted to eat. I picked up a few scoops of fries and a burger. I grabbed a bottle of water and followed Veronica to her table of friends.

"This is Archie, Betty, Kevin and Jughead," She said, pointing to all of the people who were sitting down.

"Hi, I'm Perrie," I say and take a seat next to a blonde-haired girl who looked like she just stepped out of the 2000s. 

I don't concentrate on their convocations, I just watch Jesy. That sounds way creepier than it actually is. It's just me drooling over how perfect she looks.

"What do you think Perrie?" Veronica says, snapping me away from my thoughts. 

"Sorry what?" I say, looking back at the group.

"Do you want to go swimming later tonight?" She asks, chuckling.

"No thanks V," I say and flash her a toothy smile.

She just nods and continues her convocation with the rest of the group. My eyes flicker back over to where Jesy was sitting and talking with the other counsilers. She catches my eyes whilst she was talking and grins a little. I quickly look back down at the plate in front of me. 

Once dinner was finished we could have our own rec time. I decided to just hang around in the cabin for the rest of the night, being I can't be bothered to do anything social. But when I arrived at the cabin and familiar ginger was standing there.

"Hey there, Perrie," she says and smiles.

"Um, hi," I say, digging my hands into my pocket.

"Caught you staring at me."

"Well, I was just gazing."

"I'm not allowed to get close to the campers, ya know? Sorry love."

"Who said I wanted to get close?"

"It's happened to me before sweetheart," she flashes a cheeky grin and walks away.

I let out a sigh, she's right, Perrie. Why should I even be looking at her? I walked into the cabin and sat down on the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table. My eyes felt so droopy, it couldn't be that late, could it? 

I walked over to my bunk and took my phone out from under my pillow. 10:07 pm it read. Did that stupid safety seminar really take two hours? I let out another yawn, okay maybe it was time for me to go to bed. I didn't bother changing from my clothes, I just climbed up into my bunk and crawled into bed.


My eyes flutter open to a semi-lit room. I check my phone again, 5:02 am. I groan and roll back over trying to go back to sleep. After about twenty minutes of just staring at the ceiling, I realized that I wasn't going back to sleep. I slowly climbed out of bed, not trying to wake anybody else in the cabin and change out of my clothes into a pair of leggings and a hoodie. I tie my bedhead into a ponytail and walk quietly out of the door.

I wondered around the camp grounds until I found a lake. I walked out on the dock and took a seat at the end of it.

"You're up early," I hear a voice from behind me, making me jump.

I turn around to see, surprise, surprise, Jesy.

"I went to bed early too," I say and turn back around.

"I see," she says and takes a seat next to me.

"Can I help you?"

"Sassy one, aren't we?"

"Mornings aren't my thing."

"So, what is your thing?" She asks, cocking her head to the side.

"I thought you can't get close to the campers?" I giggle then hop up from the dock and walk away.

I can't help but smirk at myself but I don't know if she is flirting or not. I mean I didn't know that I wasn't entirely straight until I saw her but I mean, who wouldn't love such a gorgeous girl? 


"Okay campers, so you lovely lot are going canoeing. Please be careful with your canoes as the water is freezing and quite frankly, I don't feel like fishing around anyway," Jesy informs.

Veronica and I pick up a canoe and carry it to the end of the dock and place it into the water. We both hopped in started to canoe around the small lake.

"This is really hard," Veronica said, trying to keep her paddle steady.

"Careful, Ronnie! I am not falling into this river for you!" I giggle, trying to help steady her paddle.

The boat began to shake and the currents of the water began to pick up.

"Shit," Veronica yells as the boat capzies.

"Oh my freaking g-god!" I stutter and my body hits the cold water.

"For gods sake!" I hear Jesy cry.

Veronica and I shamefully climb out of the freezing cold water onto the dock. Just about everybody who was there to witness it, was laughing. I held my head down in shame as Jesy came rushing over to us with towels. I wrapped myself in the towel and looked at Ronnie was giggling. I rolled my eyes and tried to pull myself up from the ground. Jesy beckoned for us to follow her. 

We all walked in silence until we got to, what looked like a staff room.

"I'll get you some hot chocolate, okay?" 

She doesn't let us reply and walks into the kitchen, not before I get a sneaky little look at her perfect butt.





OMG HI I UPDATED! And it's a shit chapter as well but hopefully you liked some of the Pesy interaction I guess lol. Sorry I took so long, the past few weeks was just filled with stress from school exams and assignments. But never fear as I just have 5 days left of school before winter break, yaay! Anyways, thanks for all your nice comments and being so sweet. A new update will come ASAP.

Meanwhile you can follow me on my other socials

@tropicalleigh on instagram

@loveleighpinn on twitter 


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