-|Çhapter Øne|-

30 1 0

Picture is Nate

The same old sound of our car rumbled on as we drove into the gated community. The dull, cloudy sky consistent since we entered the country. The icy chill of the evening breeze hit my face as I stepped out the old van. I let out a stretch before taking in my surroundings.

"This place will be great for running a shop." My mother gleamed as she beamed a bright smile at me. She noticed my eye roll at her comment before grabbing my arm. "Oh come one, this place will be amazing Nate. You just have to give it a chance. Okay?"

I offered another eye roll before turning to face what would be my new house. It was a dull, two story brick house. The yard was basically nonexistent aside from a few patches of grass on the side of the house.

My mother walked up to me and put her arm around me. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll make lots of new friends at this school." She patted me on the back before walking in the side door.

I sighed when I heard the car door open. I turned around to see my little sister Jaya. "Or you could just be an outcast like usual. Not that it matters to me. I plan to finish sophomore year in style." She hopped out the car before throwing her suitcase in my arms and entering the house.

I rolled my eyes and followed in.

I hate to say it but the house was beautiful. It sort of reminded me of one of those fancy houses that people in the 18th Century would have. I looked around and it seemed like there was a different chandelier everywhere I looked. I started to wonder how my mother even afforded such an amazing house.

I walked around the house and it seemed like the architect for this house was Leonardo Da Vinci or something. The ceiling was painted in classic Renaissance style art. The walling seemed wonderfully carved and the baseboards custom made.

I walked upstairs to my room and set up my air bed since all our stuff wasn't here yet.

I plopped down on the bed before staring at the ceiling. I would be starting a new life. I left my friends beehhind in Florida and would continue my junior year here.

I turned to my side, looking out the window. My window stared straight into the woods. It was then I notices something in between the trees. I stared harder but I couldn't make anything out.

I hopped off my bed and went up to my window to get a better look. I looked at the same spot but failed to see anything. "This town is already giving me the creeps."

I went to lay back in my bed before closing my eyes. I've just had a long day, I'm seeing things and I need to get some sleep. I was in no real rush to go to school tomorrow but I could already feel the call of sleep washing over me.


I wash my face in the sink before looking in the mirror. I looked down before heading into my room. I slipped on my shoes before grabbing my bag and checking my phone.

"Jaya! We have like 2 minutes before we need to leave. So hurry up." I rolled my eyes before heading to the front door and slipping on my shoes.

I looked around and their was still no sign of my annoying little sister. I let out a sigh before walking to her room and banging on her door.

A moment passed before the door finally opened. My sister appeared looking annoyed an angry. "I'm ready so stop bitching." She pushed past me and walked out the door.

I rolled my eyes and gave a slight sigh before following her out the door.

The cold breeze of the morning hit me hard. It was almost seven o'clock but it still looked as if it was in the dead of night. I let out a short breath before catching up to my sister.

" This place sure as hell isn't Florida. I probably won't be able to keep up my tan." She flipped her hair before speeding up to the bus stop.

I walked up after her shaking my head. I looked around though I couldn't see anyone at the stopped. Before I could do much else though, the bus had already pulled up to the stop.

I walked on the bus and offered the driver a smile. She offered a glancing smile back before I went to find a seat. I sat down in and empty seat and rested my head back. I shuffled in my bag for my head phones before plugging them in my phone. I fitted them onto my ears and proceeded to sink back into my chair.

"I can feel the pressure, it's getting closer now. We're better off without you!" My headphones sang to me as I closed my eyes.

Before I could truly start to relax however I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a kid with beaming eyes staring into mine.

"You're new here right?" He said before offering a smile. "I'm Danny."

I gave a slight smile. "I'm Nate. And yeah I'm new. I guess that's pretty obvious considering it doesn't seem like a lot of people ride this bus."

He gave a small laugh before shaking his head. "I mean that and the U-haul truck was pretty telling."

I chuckled back, feeling stupid. "Oh well I guess that could also be a factor." He nodded as he offered a dismissive wave.

"It's fine. Its early so I think we're all a bit stupid right now." He gave a smirk before then slouching back in his seat.

The bus ride was short. My stop seemingly being one of the last on it's usual routine. We all headed off the bus and I paused as I stepped on the sidewalk in front of the pool.

"Trudo Circle High School huh?" I said to myself as I noticed the small crowd of students entering the front door. I followed them into the door ready for my first day of new school, friend making fun.

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