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Picture is Kial

I walked into the building before digging in my pocket for my schedule. I pulled it out and looked at my schedule:

1st Period - English 11 - Room 340
2nd Period - Pre - Calculous - Room 48
3rd Period - US History - Room 194
4th Period - Art & Drama - Room 21
5th Period - Physical Education - GYM
6th Period - Spanish 3 - Room 412
7th Period - Digital Design - Room 270
8th Period - Chemistry - Room 423

Perfect. English Class is the first thing I want on a Monday morning. I let out a sigh before walking to my class. I walked up to the third floor and looked around for my room.

"Come on, it can't be that hard to find." I was eyeing my paper and glancing up almost simultaneously.

I continued walking down a hall, taking an opportunity to look at my paper. I felt myself bump into someone and I almost involuntarily jerked back.

I looked up at the boy I bumped into. "I'm so sorry, I just," I glanced at my paper. "Trying to find room 340? Ms. Crawford?"

"Don't worry about it." He laughed before taking a look at my schedule. "Umm, follow me." He lead me down a hall and pointed to to a room near the end.

I reached it before knocking on the door. A lady answered it rather quickly. She eyed me up and down before gesturing me in.

"You must be Nathan Bryarwood right?" She said before offering me a smile. "Well come in, come in! Why don't you take a seat beside...how about Kial." She said before pointing next to the slouched kid with combed over hair hiding in a hoodie.

I took my seat before offering a friendly wave to the kid next to me. "Hey there." I said trying to avoid being awkward. 

He studied my for a bit before offering a an eye-roll. "Yeah, what ever." He turned is attention away from me as he rested his head flat on the desk.

"Well you sure are the cheery fellow aren't you?" I sighed before turning my eyes to the teacher as she was in the middle of some lecture about Edgar Allen Poe.

"You see, Poe used many techniques while writing many of his famous works." She was about to continue before she was interrupted by a student in the back.

"You know some would say that Edgar had more help than he was willing to let own." This kid in the back blurted. He was dressed in a school 47 Jersey.

The teacher offered a sarcastic smile before shaking her head. "Well you know Zeke, many great authors throughout history all have a little help." She said before crossing her arms.

Zeke sat up a bit while trying to hold back what seemed like laughter. "Well you know, the funny thing about Eddy was that he always took credit for another's ideas."

The class laughed along with Zeke though I was at a bit of a loss. I just resolved to think he was the default class clown.

"And how would you know that? It's not like you're the one to research." She changed the slide on her monitor.

Zeke offered a shrug before raising his brow as he sat back. "Who knows? Maybe it's just a guess or maybe I'm secretly some psychic underground historian."

The class laughed as the teacher tried to get the lesson back on track.

The rest of the class breezed by and I soon found myself heading out to go to my next classroom. On the way I saw Zeke heading towards an opposite hallway. I was going to try and speak with him but I figured it was better to just head to class.

I went down a few floors before looking around for my next class. Lucky for me I found it easier than the last class.

I entered the room and found my seat. The teacher didn't enter yet so we were just waiting around. I looked around and noticed the kid from my bus enter.

He sat beside me and gave me a smile. "Hey, Nate right?" He said taking out a notebook from his bag.

I nodded in response. "Yeah, Danny if my memory doesn't fail me. Well it usually doesn't." I said offering a smug smile.

He school his head, holding back a tiny bit of laughter. "Let that be a testament to the awesome memory of Nate I suppose." He said while zipping up his backpack.

I rolled my eyes as the teacher came in and immediately started shuffling through papers on his desk.

He wasn't old like my last teacher. He honestly looked like he was still a college student. "Sorry guys, I just misplaced to test again." He said as he picked up his stack of papers and started doing roll.

The class went by fairly smoothly, no outburst like the last period. The bell rung and I headed to first lunch.

I walked down to the first floor and entered the lunch room. I viewed the various different options to indulge from and I eventually settled on a sub.

I walked up, grabbed a sub and punched in my school number. I left to find a seat and spotted that kid from earlier, Kial, sitting alone.

I went up to sit down next to him. "Hey there. What's up?" I said taking a bit out my sub.

He gave me a dry look before resting his head. "Was I not clear before. If not, allow me to rectify that now. I'm not interested in conversation."

I rolled my eyes before putting down my sword. "You know, maybe if you stopped being such an ass, I could be your friend."

He shot up from the table rather violently before throwing away his food. "Allow me to make myself clear again, I'm not interested in talking to you and especially not in your friendship." He stormed out of the lunchroom, covering his head with his hoodie.

"Well Nate, you sure are a people person." I said before taking a bite out of my sub. The lunch period sped by fast after that and I headed out of the cafeteria to prepare myself for the rest of the day.

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