-|Çhapter Thrëē|-

15 0 0

Photo Is Danny

The rest of the day went by fairly smooth. My last two classes were fairly dull but not a total bore. I had Physical Education next, which I just pretty much sat through since I hadn't bought the school P.E. uniform yet.

After that was digital design which I couldn't do much cause the kids were in the middle of some sort of project. Though it was kind of entertaining seeing kids make what they call "art."

I overheard a couple kids talking about a party on my way to the busses which caught my attention. With all the moving and weeks of travel I thought it would be a good way to unwind and get to know some kids here. Oh jeez, I'm starting to sound like my mother.

"Anyway Lara," one of the girls began to say, "Make sure you invite as  many people as possible. I want this to be a perfect night." The girl caught me glancing at their conversation before walking over to me.

She smiled and offered me a card with what I assumed was her address. "I'm Anisa and you seem interested, you should come." She said as she moved her blonde locks behind her ear.

I offered a friendly smile before putting the card in my pocket. "I'll think about it, though it's a little weird throwing a party on a Monday night of all nights." I said trying not to be rude.

Besides, if my mother did know I was going to a party she might give me a lecture on 'safe sex and how to use a condom.' Or even worse, she might tell me to...make friends. I laughed to myself.

"It's a full moon." She said with a sigh. "A perfect night for a party. Trust me, it will be fantastical." She patted me on the chest before heading back over to her friends.

I rolled my eyes before heading to my bus. I got on and sat near the back, happy the day was ending. I put in my headphones and shuffled my playlist.

"Well we're just a wet dream for the web scene
Make us it, make us hip, make us scene"

My music played as I closed my eyes and sank in my chair. I was happy I could just get home and relax. I sighed remembering the invite. I mean I didn't have to go, its not like I knew anyone. Though the voice nagging in my head told me that is why I should go.

I couldn't sink further into my thoughts without being tapped on the shoulders. I look up seeing a beaming Danny. "Hey." I said with a blank look on my face.

"So? How was your first day? Was it everything you dreamed?" He said with a tone that had me a bit puzzled.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Man you seriously need to teach me how to do that." I laughed a tiny but to myself as he gave me a look.

"I'm sorry, you have me at a bit of a loss." He raised an eyebrow at me. "What exactly did I do?"

I shook my head before glancing back at my phone. "You manage to sound so sarcastically interested but in such an earnest way. I don't know, it almost has a naive flare to it."

He laughed before turning his whole body round on the seat. "Maybe it's just that you're so socially awkward, you can't understand people."

I sighed before glancing back up at him. "Oh no, never heard that before." I was seriously annoyed at people thinking I need to go out and be a, quote on quote, normal kid. It was already bad enough I was considering going to this party.

"Well why don't we hang out tonight?" He asked as he offered me a smile.

I shook my head before putting away my phone in my pocked. "I can't," I stuttered for a moment. "I'm kinda going to this party an-" I couldn't finish before he cut me off.

"You mean Anisa's party? Yeah everyone is going. I was kinda going to ask you to go with me." He beamed and I instantly knew where this was going.

I paused for a moment. "Danny, I don't know if-" I tried to say but he gave me a dismissive wave.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." He offered a smile that was obviously trying to hide disappointment. The tone in his voice instantly created a pit in my stomach.

"Danny, I'm sorry. It's just I know no one here you know? I think I should meet people and get used to here before I start a relationship." I tried to explain but it didn't get rid of the happy facade on his face.

" No, it's okay Nate. I totally get it." His usually happy-go-lucky tone wasn't completely back but it was clear he was trying to get it back. "New town, new life, I totally understand. You need time to figure things out."

All I could do was nodd as the bus came to Danny's stop. "Later, Danny." I said meekly.

He offered his signature smile before waving. "Later, Nate." He got off the bus as I plugged back in my earphones and blasted music to forget how much of an ass I felt like.

My stop was a few after his so after I got off, I made my way to my house. My little sister walked up behind me as I opened the door.

"So Nathan, how was your first day? Did you get trampled to death?" Jays said as we both made our way inside.

I rolled my eyes. "Well if I did then they must have one hell of a school nurse." I said making my was upstairs.

"Too bad they couldn't fix your ugly mug!" She yelled from downstairs as I entered my room. I set down my things at opened my closet.

I had no idea what I was wearing tonight. Maybe I could go with something more laid back? Or an outfit that just helps me lay low? Whatever I chose I had to make sure it was it wouldn't draw attention to me.

I settled on a short sleeve gray hoodie that I wore over a black long sleeve shirt. I grabbed a random pair of dark jeans and my wallet from my dresser.  Hopefully this night won't blow up in my dance. Hopefully it would be alright...

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