Chapter 1.

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Dante groaned as Vergil quickly stabbed him in the stomach and ripped the sword out, backflipping away. The younger twin coughed up blood and fell to his knees, his old wounds healing but the new ones taking for what feels like forever.
I can't go on, I'm so tired, I can't move. Dante thought and closed his eyes, waiting for death. He doesn't want this, he doesn't want to fight his brother and he doesn't want to be killed by his brother. He just wants things to go back to how they were when they got along. But that isn't gonna happen now or ever, Vergil has made his mind up, he wants Dante dead.

The younger cambion looked up as his older brother walked forward and raised his sword, ready to strike. Dante closed his eyes, waiting for the blow. As he waited, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. Why, why did that have to happen? Why couldn't they just stop this fighting already? Vergil was about to strike but suddenly, there was a flash of white. Now Vergil was looking down at his little brother, sitting in an oversized black shirt with the rest of his clothes just laying on the ground before him, he was a baby.

The elder cambion's eyes went wide, how did this happen? He tried to bring the sword down but just couldn't do it. The baby hybrid had tears streaming down his cheeks and he said: "Go ahead, kill me, I know you want to, it's all you've ever wanted to do." Hearing that come from his now baby brother struck a cord in him. He sheathed his sword and just stared down at him, wondering what the hell to do with him because he can't bring himself to kill him. But anything could kill him now, he doesn't have his fast healing abilities or any ability, even a high fever could kill him, and if he was older than he wouldn't even get a fever. He's too damn vulnerable now, and God knows he can't take care of himself.

The only thing he eats is pizza, never anything else, he doesn't even clean up the boxes. He doesn't even sleep in his own bed, just at his desk, and that certainly isn't good. The apartment above his shop is pretty damn dirty because he rarely goes up there and when he does go up there he doesn't clean it because he doesn't give a damn. Doesn't matter, he's gonna lose the shop soon, he still has to pay everything off and now he can't so soon he'll have nowhere to....

Dante stared up at his big brother, wondering what he's gonna do to him. He won't kill him so he'll probably send him off to an awful orphanage where the kids aren't taken care of and beaten. Dante put his head down and started to cry harder, he doesn't want this, he doesn't want any of this.
"Don't cry." Dante picked his head up to look at Vergil when he said that, he didn't say it in a commanding or angry tone, not even a little miffed, it was gentle and he had a gentle expression on. The elder hybrid reached down and picked up his now baby brother, wrapping him in the oversized shirt and walking off with him. Dante didn't know what Vergil was gonna do with him but right now he didn't care, right now he was resting in his big brother's arms and he was comfy.

They had been fighting in a small clearing surrounded by woods, outside of the woods was a pleasant town where Vergil was living, not in the awful city Dante was living in. The older hybrid was taking quick, long strides to get out of the woods, which only took a few minutes. Vergil quickly walked to his house where his car was. Dante's eyes went wide, it was a nice, big house. He's been living in the tiny apartment above his shop. Vergil got in his car and settled his little brother on his lap, buckling up and starting the car, driving off.

Dante yawned as Vergil drove, the car ride was making him sleepy. He leaned back and rested his head against Vergil and tried to sleep. It's been 5 minutes but Dante has been unable to sleep, he's still scared. He doesn't know where Vergil is taking him but he has a feeling that it isn't good, it can't be good. Vergil hates him, he's gonna do something bad. Dante sat up and started to squirm, wanting to be free.
"Be patient, will be at Walmart in a few minutes," Vergil said. Walmart? Maybe... Maybe he won't do anything bad. Dante didn't want to make it look like he was impatient so he started to try and unwrap himself from the shirt and said: "I'm hot." The elder cambion quickly reached over and turned the AC on. The baby cambion sat back and calmed down, deciding to trust his big brother.


The elder hybrid quickly strode through the store, his baby brother in his arms. In a few minutes, he was in the babies section and quickly grabbed some stuff so Dante wouldn't be in an oversized shirt the entire time they were here. He grabbed a dark red shirt, black shorts, and tiny black sneakers. He also grabbed a package of diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, Johnson's baby lotion, and a royal blue diaper bag. After all of that was bought, Vergil took Dante into the bathroom to get him dressed. 

He put down the little changing table and set his baby brother on it. Quickly grabbing the items that would be needed and set them next to the baby cambion. As soon as Vergil started to unfold a diaper, Dante crossed his arms and said: "I am not wearing that." The older brother placed his hand on his baby brother's chest and made him lay down while saying "Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not!"
"Stop!" Dante flinched, Vergil was being gentle but suddenly his voice was harsh.
"You're staying with me and because you're a baby you're going to be wearing diapers. That is that and I'm not going to argue with you on this." Vergil said, his voice suddenly gentle again.

Dante tried not to cry, if he was older he wouldn't cry but damn it this little body seems to like to cry. Vergil noticed this and quickly powdered Dante, getting the baby into a diaper and picking him up, holding him close with his little head resting on his shoulder. The elder cambion rubbed his little brother's back for a bit before placing him back down on the changing table and saying "Okay, let's finish getting you dressed." He grabbed the red shirt and said: "Arms up." Dante didn't like this but complied, lifting his arms.

As soon as Dante was dressed, Vergil put some of the diapers in the diaper bag as well as the baby wipes, lotion, and powder. As soon as he put the powder in, the elder cambion said "Oh, I forgot to get something. I'll just get it while I do the rest of the shopping." He slung the bag over his shoulder and picked up his little brother, walking back out into the store. He grabbed a cart and had asked a worker to follow him, saying he's gonna buy some stuff and wants them to be shipped to his house because it would take him multiple trips to get everything there.

Vergil had told the worker to send a nice four poster crib, cradle, playpen, jolly jumper, that one made the baby cambion mad, and a bunch of other stuff to his house. Dante didn't know why Vergil had told the worker to send all that to his house, it seems like a lot. Once he said he had gotten everything he needed, he handed the worker his credit card that was swiped into this small square piece of plastic attached to an iPad. As soon as Vergil got his card back, he said he was gonna get a few more things and that the worker could go now. Vergil started walking off to another part of the store but Dante was getting tired, he yawned and closed his eyes, just planning on getting a few minutes of sleep.

Vergil looked down at his baby brother, not sure how to feel right now. The only thing he knew is that he had to take care of him, he can't leave him alone, he can't give him to some stranger, and he definitely can't send him to an orphanage. He adjusted his hold on him as he grabbed a car seat, a package of pacifiers, and a Zero bar for later, but not for him, for Dante knowing he'll probably need it to get him to eat the healthy stuff he makes. He bought all the stuff and went out to his car. As soon as he got the car seat in his car he buckled Dante into it. He opened the package of pacifiers and put an emerald green one in the baby hybrid's mouth. Dante looked so cute that Vergil couldn't help but smile, but only for a second. He quickly got in the driver's seat and started the car, driving away.

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