the mysterious death of anna nicole smith

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A 17 year old blonde haired girl was found dead in her pool, and her murder was never found until day when he struck again five years after Anna Smith's murder...

Chapter 1 the kidnapping (5 years ago)

Her name was Anna Nicole Smith. She was 17 years old, when she was found dead in her parent's pool. She was figured out to be home alone because her dad was in LA on a business trip. Her mom was well out of the picture. Since her mom left she and her dad were extremely close or so the whole neighborhood thought. Because her dad was sort of crazy and mentally disturbed. But he wasn't her killer; her killer was closer very close to her. He knew her like a sister. He lived with her and her dad. But her murder was her stepbrother James.

He raped her in their barn, on her 15th birthday this happened again but when she told her dad he didn't believe her. So he sent her to her room thus making the biggest mistake in his life. He found out quickly she was telling the truth. She went missing 2 weeks later after she was last seen walking home from school. Her best friend Annie said she had seen a guy dressed in all black with a ski mask on come to pick her up after lunch and that was the last time she had seen her.

Chapter 2 The Search (5 years ago)

The police asked around school and the neighborhood to see if they could get any information or suspects in Anna's case. Annie was the most help since she told the police Anna had been acting different lately .When she was asked what she meant she said Anna was never happy and didn't want to go home. When the police questioned her dad he said he was out of town on business, when the police checked to be sure he alibied out so he was sent home and told not to leave town. This is when he told the police to question his stepson James because he had been acting out of it lately.

When he was asked what he meant he told them he had not seen James since Anna went missing. The police asked Mr. Smith where would he take her so they would know where to begin their search? Mr. Smith began to look very nervous as he uttered out Missouri where their mother lives now since the divorce. The police asked one more question does he have any problems we need to know about. A very worried Mr. Smith said yes He has PTSD because of the divorce and he blames Anna for it

Chapter 3 The Killing (5 years ago)

Mr. Smith and part of the police department were put on a plane to Missouri to find Miss Smith and hopefully the children. Little did they know that they were still in Tennessee but Anna was far from safe and sound? James had hid her in a tiny closet and had tied her to the pole on the inside. The oddest thing about it was he was feeding and giving her drink while he beat and tormented her. And finally the day came that he had planned for killing and torturing Anna. The first thing he did was going to the closet and unties her. The next thing he did was carrying her to the bedroom and strips her of all her clothes. After this he tied her ankles and wrists to the bed, and gagged her so no one could hear her screams for life as he raped her over and over. When he was done he told her to put on a far too small for her bikini so he could take her picture since she feared for her life she did it.

Even though she did everything he asked he raped her one last time and then strangled her. He carefully with gloved hands put her body in a bag and drove back home and put her bagged body in the pool.

Chapter 4 the New Case (Present Day)

It has been 5 years since Anna's murder, and her father has finally moved on and remarried with a new stepdaughter and her name is Alisha. Her mother and Mr. Smith met Anna's case. And her stepbrother James is still is in picture but James likes Alisha a lot more than he did Anna. He waits for Alisha's 17th birthday to seek out his prey. But the worst thing is he told her before he did it while they were sitting in his room if she said anything about him loving her more than sibling should then he would hurt her.

Chapter 5 His new girl

She promised him she wouldn't say a word on her love for him. He said okay and then asked her what she wanted to do then she said whatever he wanted to do was fine. They went into his bathroom and he raped her there.

Chapter 6 Kidnapped and Mudered

It was one month after her 17th birthday when Mr. Smith his heart was ripped out of his chest once Alisha went missing. He woke up that morniing and James had left a note saying he was going to the cabin for a few days and that Alisha was with him for a late birthday present. But Alisha had been taken by his friend Chris.When they got to thew cabin James was already waiting for Alisha and Chris.James and Chris carried her into the cabinand locked the doors and pulled the blinds shut.

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