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Yato POV

I let Daikoku go, and sighed. I had to find some way to heal her. Toukenai was probably bleeding on the inside, because she coughed up so much blood. But that's only a human estimate. She's a god, and she can heal herself to a degree. 

"Y-yato?"Daikoku's voice shook a little


"Look." he pointed to the table where we had left Toukenai. She was gone.

Toukenai POV

I woke up inside a strange cave, thorny vines wrapped around my arms and legs, pinning me to a stalagmite. I groaned, realizing I was being cut by the thorns. My blood was beginning to pool on the floor around me.

"If you struggle any more, your cephalic and basilic veins will be cut."It was Nora. She was in front of me, just watching. "But I need you for something, so don't struggle, ok?" she smiled evilly and proceeded to push her fingers into my neck. It felt like I was being stung by millions of bees, and I began to wriggle. 

"Tch-" Nora sighed and pushed harder.

"Agh!" I felt my mind fade, my memories dull, and I began to forget. Hiyori? I've never heard of someone named Yukine before. Who is Yato?

She twisted her fingers, and I felt my consciousness fade, and felt someone awaken. Someone dangerous. 

"Hahahahha!" I laughed, tearing at the vines. My wrists bled even more, the blood spewing around me, but it healed right away. I was afraid. I had been deemed a safe vessel to trap a part of Amatsu Mikaboshi's soul when it couldn't be destroyed. The other gods had warned me that when someone woke him again, to stab myself in the heart on my right side. I had my real heart, and Amatsu Mikaboshi's heart, unbeating next to mine. I struggled to regain control as his heart began to beat. 

"Argh!" I yelled as he assumed full control. 

"Amatsu Mikaboshi. I have a job for you. I need you to kill the Yabuko-gami, or as he calls himself, Yato. You are in the body of his female lover. It shouldn't be hard. Just dig into her memories and-" Nora was cut off

"I know how to kill a god, dammit!" My legs began to move "I've killed many minor kami like him." 

"He'll be hard to catch, though. He has a blessed vessel, and that body you're in is his guardian."  Amatsu Mikaboshi seemed amused. I felt my eyes change. I flew out of my body as a spirit, and saw that my hair was turning silver grey and that my eyes were red. I felt great sadness that it would be my body that kills Yato. I'm so sorry Yato. If only I had kept him asleep...

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