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Toukenai POV

My mind became numb as my father took control of my body.

Yato POV

Toukenai- she was gone-

I slid down the wall and buried my face in my knees.

"Yato! Snap out of it!" Daikoku shook me out of the trance "If she's that injured she couldn't just walk away. Who could have-"

"Nora." I snarled and my pupils contracted, forming cat-like slits. I stood up. Daikoku placed his hand on my shoulder.

"There are some things you need to know about her. Her real name without embellishments is Bagutonai. She inherited the name Okuninushi because the legit one got too weak to sustain his ties to the spirit world. She has magic from Shoki and Okuninushi, hence the name she was given. She is the 'daughter' of Amatsu Mikaboshi, God of chaos and evil." I gasped. "She disowned him, and killed him after he forged her from magic. But what isn't in her legends is that his heart is imprisoned inside her body, next to her own. She spends every day making sure he doesn't escape." I sighed

"Let's hope Nora hasn't found a way to wake him yet."

Toukenai POV

I woke a few days later. I saw through my own eyes my body moving on its own. I watched as I tore a hole through time and then disguised myself to look normal. I walked to Kofuku's shop. He was pulling memories from my head. I watched as he walked into the work room. Yato and Daikoku looked relieved to see him. Yato ran over and hugged my body, tears running down his face.

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

Yato! Run! A jolt of pain spread through my soul. Yato pulled away and Daikoku rubbed the back of his head, grinning .

"Sorry about the coffee." He smiled sheepishly

"It's quite alright." My impersonator smiled at him.

Yato POV

Was it just me, or did she have two heartbeats? That's strange- unless...

Toukenai POV

That night, I headed over to the room Yato and I shared. I pulled a dagger from my wrist, the cold, metallic weapon gliding out of my skin. He was fast asleep, and I held the weapon over his throat. I screamed as the blade was plunged downward, into the mattress beside him. He was sitting up. He could see the tears running down my face- and the dagger in my hands.

"Amatsu Mikaboshi! It is good to finally meet you" my lover crowed, darting away from the chaos god.

"Rraaah!" I shrieked, swiping at him with my dagger. The cover of magic around me faltered, revealing a red-eyed Toukenai with silver hair. Yato darted out the window. I jumped out to follow, and watched as he leapt onto the roof. I froze my body with magic to prevent my father from killing Yato

"You bitch!" I said out loud, jolts of pain traveling through my body.

"So you are in there." Yato smiled "At least I know you'll be ok. Sekki!" Yukine darted into his hands, the twin katanas glistening.


I had a major brain fart while writing this...

Tell me if it shows. :P

~Mikki <3

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