Chapter 3

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Lunch break ends😂

Sinb pov
The students here start to rush back to their classes. I realised that Jungkook has been following me everywhere. Then i stopped.

"Why do you keep following me?"

"Because im going to this way?" He says.

"Let me see your timetable"

He hands me his timetable and wow. He has everything with me. When i reached the class, there was no other seats but with jungkook. Omg so frustratingg😩! Then a guy came to me.

"Hey pretty 😉 Im Jackson what about you?"

"Um hey? Im hwang eunbi, but most ppl call me Sinb"

"Ya Jackson, f off. She's out of your limits. She's already taken."

The teacher came in and the students start to settle down.

Jungkook pov
I saw 4 girls coming with the teacher. All four of them looked familiar. It was Lisa, jennie, rose and jisoo. Well, im fine with jisoo. In fact, she was my neighbour when i was younger. She took care of me well last time. Drama is starting and i cant wait. (Sense the sarcasm) 😂
"Students, these are the new transferees. Introduce yourselves."

"Annyeonghaseyo Lisa-imida. I am from thailand but i can speak korean too"
"Annyeonghaseyo Jennie-imida."
"Annyeonghaseyo Rose-imida."

"Lisa please take a seat behind Jungkook, Jennie in front of Sinb that pretty lady beside jungkook. Jisoo and rose you guys may sit together. You guys. Your skirts are of the unappropriate length. Pls do something about it the next time i see you"

I am soo done with this seating arrangement but at least im with sinb.

Sinb pov
I realised that jungkook tensed up. He looked so stressed at the four girls who just came in. Jisoo is very nice to me but Lisa Jennie and Rose not that friendly though.

"Ya Jungkook are you okay" i accidentally drop formality.

"Aigoo Sinb-ya im older than you, you know." He joke around.

Then he felt uneasy. I saw the Lisa was using her pen to touch Jungkook from the back and she said,
"Jungkook-ya, do you miss me"

He remained silent so i just talk to him.

"Ya jungkook. You want go get ice cream later?"
"Yea sure, but who pays?"

Then we do scissors paper stone. And i lost. 😩
Ahhhhh jinjja this guy. So the school ends and we go to the ice cream parlor near my house. Actually my dad owns it too. So i get it for free😂. 

"What flavour do you like?" I asked.
"I like coffee flavour what about you?" He says.
"I like cookies and cream"
He was shocked that i took the ice cream by myself and didnt pay for it.


"Chill. My dad owns this place. And he says this is mine"

Jungkook pov
Wah Sinb-ya. Even my dad doesnt own a ice cream parlor just for me. My dad just own land, buildings and companies. Her parents must have doted on her alot.

Sinb pov
After we ate the ice cream we decided to go home early to study because our parents really want us to get good grades. And good grades means all As. Jungkook send me home and i just realised that he live in a mansion too and it is right in front of my mansion too. Jinjja this guy. He is everywhere now.

"Annyeong princess"

"Aishh dont call me that" and i just left him.

Hellooooo! Now is the start of the school holidays in Singapore and the month of Ramadhan for the muslims! 💖 selamat berpuasa to those who are fasting and to those who are travelling now, have a safe trip! This chapter is short but i hope i am improving everyday! Sorry if it is boring 😭

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