Midorima Shintaro [1]

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You are a second year in Shutoku High. A volleyball player as well as the team's captain.

"[Your Name]-Senapi~" you heard your teammate, and a junior of yours call you.

"Yes? C'mon [Best friend's Name], I told you to stop addressing me with that honorific.." You flashed a smile at her.

"Got it! But it's cute!  Anyway, Senpai, would you mind hanging out with me later?" She asked you.

"Sure, where though?" you asked. 

"Oh. Uhm, over there? I dunno! hehe.." She laughed, she's your best friend and also your neighbour.

"Well, okay. As long there's no alien to abduct us, I'm good." you said, playfully.

Later that day, both you and [Best Friend's Name] were walking toward the entrance of your school, chatting. She told you she had a crush on someone in her batch.

"Really? You have a crush on Tak-"

You weren't able to finish your sentence because of [Best Friend's Name] slamming her petit hand on your mouth.

"Shh.. You're too loud!" She hissed, glaring at you.

You laughed and pushed her hand away, "Yeah, Yeah. I get it."

You passed the main gate and noticed two people taking the same route as you. You looked at them and realised that one of them was the idiotic point guard of your school's Basketball Team. And the other, was the weird carrot always carrying weird items, the shooting guard of the Basketball Club. Both of them were a year younger than you and the same age as [Best Friend's Name].

You glanced at her and said, "The idotic point guard and the glasses carrot are also here, look."

"[Your Name]-senpai," she glared at you which caused you to laugh.

"Oh Shin-Chan, look! It's [Best Friend's Name] and [Your Name]!" you heard Takao say to Midorima.

Both of you stopped in your tracks and turned to them. "Hey Takao-kun and Midorima-kun," You smiled.

Takao beamed a smile at both of you while Midorima pushed up his glasses. "Are you going home?" asked the carrot.

"Yep. 'Bout you?" you asked.

"Yep! Oh! I have an idea! Since the four of us take the same route why don't we walk together?" Takao asked.

You looked at [Best Friend's Name] who was blushing non-stop and Midorima, who was staring at you.

What's with the stare? You thought.

"Well. If it's okay with [Best friend's Name] and Midorima-Kun," you said.

"A-ah, th-that's fine by m-me, Senpai!" she said, stuttering.

"Of course Shin-chan doesn't mind, right?" Takao asked his buddy, who just nodded and pushed up his glasses.

So the four of you walked home.

"Ah! I forgot something!" Takao suddenly shouted.

We turned toward him with 'what did you forget?' written over our faces.

"I forgot something in the locker room! [Best friend's name]-chan, come with me!" he said, dragging her off, against her will.

"H-hey! Takao-kun!" You heard [Best friend's name] say. But then, Takao suddenly whispered something in her ear which caused her to stop struggling and let Takao drag her.

"Wait, what?" You said, mentally pinching yourself.

Both of them turned to you, grinning. "Don't worry, we'll catch up! In the mean time Shin-chan will take care of you!" Takao yelled.

"I'm sorry, [Your name]-senpai. Takao-kun needs some company. Midorima-kun please take care of [Your Name]-senpai for us." [Best friend's name] smiled at you.

You sighed and nodded at them, Midorima did the same.

When the two vanished from sight,a wave of awkward silence went over you and him. 

"Uh.. Midorima-kun? Let's go?" He didn't say anything but nodded in response.

"[Your Name]-senpai," he said.

"Y-yes?" you replied. You noticed that in this situation you feel like Midorima is the senpai, he is more matured than you.

"What's your.. sign?"

Sign? Zodiac sign? You thought. Why did he ask you that all of a sudden? But then you remembered, this is Midorima we are talking about. So it's normal for him to ask a question like that.

"Uhm.. [Zodiac Name]. Why?" you asked.

He looked at you for a second, then turned to the item he was holding. Which was a cute little stuffed dog.

"Oha-Asa said, that it'll be lucky for Cancers, like me, if we give a stuffed toy to people who are [Zodiac sign].. So.. please accept this." he said, then handed you the stuffed dog. Or a bear. Or a teddy bear. Or a stuffed dog. In short, Teddy dog.

"Uh.. Thank you. It's cute.." You said and smiled at it.

"Hmm. L-let's go?" he asked. You saw his cheeks, tainted in pink. You found it cute which made you giggle, loud enough for him to hear.

"Wh-why are you laughing, [Your name]-senpai?" he asked, blushing.

You smiled at him, "Oh, nothing. You're blushing, you like me don't you?" you teased.

He twitched and blushed even more. "W-what?! I-m not! And I-I don't like you in that way!" 

You giggled at his reaction and walked past him. "Really now? C'mon, Shin-chan, let's stop by a convenient store. My treat, since you admitted something to me," you said, grinning.

His face all red, due to embarrassment. "I-I did not admit something, [Your name]-senpai!" he grunted, which only made you laugh at him.

Don' t worry Shin-chan, I like you too. You thought, silently.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2017 ⏰

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