The First Day

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  • Dedicated to Justin Carter

"Wake up Hale wake up!" Yelled my mother pushing my off the bed. "It's your first day you don't want to be late." "Okay mother i'm getting up!" I don't know what to wear for the first day of school in America. Hey I have an idea i'll wear my black mini skirt that hugs my legs just right, with my hotpink cut off shirt, and my black flats with the little cute jems on the tip. Now for my hair um.... lets see oh I know because it's hot outside, I will curl my long blonde hair and then put it up in a high poneytail. I think that sounds great but maybe it's to much, oh well I don't care I want to make a good first impresion on everybody (mainly the hot guys). 


"Okay bye mother love you!" I said. "Okay honey have a great first day." Said my mother. I think to my self a LOT if you haven't guessed it yet. I have to walk to my school it is only a couple blockes away, but when i'm walking everyone just stops and stares at me like i'm a freak show on legs. I really don't care what they think of me I like how I look just the way I am! I should probably tell you more about me, but that will have to wait because I just got to my school. "Well here gose nothing." I whispered to my self.


Hey reader I would love to hear your imput! You can help me make my story better. I love writing it's my other pastion besides drawing! If you really like how I did it would be awesome if you could vote my book please! :) Love you I will update soon I promise.

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