Tori's pov
Me and Lydia went to the sheriff's houseMe and Lydia start looking around the living room
Than the Sheriff's wife came
"Is there anything I can do to help?"She asked
"No but thank you Mrs stilinski"I said
"Well good luck , I'll leave you two to it"She said than left
Lydia start looking around , I turn around and looked at the hall way and start to remember when he song start playing
"I'll be right back"I said to Lydia she nodded
I walked to the hall way to the wall that the last time the song was playing behind it
I walked to it than I put my hand on the wall
Than the song start playing again , I removed my hand
There is something behind this wall
I start to remove the Paper wall than suddenly the Sheriff's wife grabbed my hand
The song stopped playing
"What are you doing?"She asked holding my arm hard
"You're hurting me"I said than she let go
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that"I said
"I think that's something we can agree on"she said
Than I left the hall way and went back to Lydia
"Did you found something"She said than I grabbed her hand and we left
I went home , and lay down on the bedKnock knock!
"Come"I said than Scott open the door and enter
"Hey Scott"I said
"Hey tori , Mrs stilinski talked to Lydia's mom and she says you are going crazy"Scott said
"I was trying to find something"I said
"Yeah I know , Mrs Martin told her that you been that way since your mother's death"He said
"I am not crazy my mother's death has nothing to do with it and you know it"I said
"I know tori"He said I stayed silent for a moment
"Maybe I am going crazy because of Stiles , I think he was the love of my life"I said he kept looking at me
"Everyday I wake up and I feel like something is missing , we have to bring him back"I said
"We will"He said than I gave him a smile
"Arent you coming to the game tonight"he asked
"No I don't feel like going"I said
"You can help us protect Gwen"He said
"Who's the hell is Gwen?"I asked
"She's on the team"He said
"I thought I was the only girl on the team"I said
"She enjoyed the team when we thought you were dead remember"He said
"Oh yeah , well good luck Scott"I said
"Okay"he said than he left
I grabbed my phone and left behind him but I went to the hospital
"You want what?"Mrs McCall asked
"Claudia's medical records just for a minute"I said
"Its up there , it's way up there"She said
"Please"I said
"Letting you look at private medical records is completely and utterly against hospital regulations"She said than I looked down sad
"So we better make it fast"She said I looked up with a big smile on my face
"I love you"I said
She start searching in Claudia's medical records"I am sorry tori , According to her medical records , Claudia never had Children"She said
Than I read something in the medical records
"Well , but she had"I aid Pointing my finger at it
"Frontotemporal dementia , there must be a mistake"She said
"How long ago? She seems fine now"I said
"Ten years? I surprised she's still alive , honestly it's a miracle"She said
Something is wrong about Claudia stilinski

[6] Remember ........Stiles Stilinski (Control Book 6)
FanficDon't you forget about me Victoria Justice As Dylan/Tori Valentine teen wolf : Season 6A Love interest : Stiles stilinski Theme song : Victoria Justice_Don't you Forget About me