Tori's pov
"I am going back in "Scott said
"No you're not!"I said
"It was working , something was Happening I could feel it"He said
"But nothing was happeing out here nothing Scott"Lydia said
"All we saw was you freezing to death"I said
"You're still too cold"Malia said
"we can't give up now"Scott said
"We're not , it's my turn , I have plenty of memories of stiles too"Malia said
"Its too dangerous"Lydia said
"Not dangerous as doing nothing"I said
"she'll probably handle the cold better than me"Scott said
"If its all about connection then stiles was the first person I connected with in a long time"Malia said
"She'll need a visual"Scott said
"Okay I think I have an idea"Lydia said
Malia was inside the freezer , Lydia was talking to her"Are you ok?"Scott asked
"Yeah I guess"I said
"Arent you mad that Malia is remembering him? They dated for a while"Scott said
"I don't really , Malia is my friend and she need to Remember him because he is her friend too"I said
We walked back to Lydia
"She's freezing , get her out of there"I said
"Guys look"Lydia said
There was a bright light outside the bunker"Something is happening"Lydia said than it dissapears than they open the door and Malia get out
"Tori your next"Scott said
"I can't I'll die in there , yes I am a witch but I still human"I said
"We have to figure something out"Scott said
"I have something"Lydia said
"Sit down"Lydia said I sit down She put a candle in front of me
"We need to light this up , got anything?"Lydia asked
I looked at the Candle and it light up
"Got it"I said than she looked at me
"Ok you have to do as I say ok"Lydia said
"Ok"I said
"Take a deep Breath and look at the candle , let your body rest , and clear you mind , don't think about anything else just focus on my "she said I did as she say
"Imagine this , imagine you in your room sitting infront of your laptop"she said
I saw myself in my room sitting infront the laptop
"Its working , woah I have two hands"I said looking at my hands
"Okay focuse , your laptop have Videos those videos are you memories with stiles"she said

[6] Remember ........Stiles Stilinski (Control Book 6)
FanficDon't you forget about me Victoria Justice As Dylan/Tori Valentine teen wolf : Season 6A Love interest : Stiles stilinski Theme song : Victoria Justice_Don't you Forget About me