test subject and baby care.

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When alberto landed his jet and he arrived at a planet that was lonely and no sign of life and then alberto went to an research lab that no one was at because there was no sign of life so then he went a cell with a bunk bed in it and sat ben on the top bunk and he then took a needle and stuck in bens arm to take a blood sample from ben so he can research how he can turn into those alians with the watch so after he figured out the answer he took the crying baby and put him on the top bunk and left him there crying and then he left once Alberto left ben cryed louder and didnt stop crying, Then at plumber HQ gwen was using her powers to find ben intill she found ben at the lonely planet so then rook told her that he will find ben just then rook went to his jet and took off to the planet. He finally arrive 20 minutes later and then spotted a lonely researcj lab so he went inside and her someone crying so he followed the sound and found a cell where the crying came from and blasted open the door with his prototool and good thing Alberto wasnt there because he would have killed rook without rook noticing it but the sad thing is that alberto left ben and took off in his jet to some other planet for the time being so then rook noticed a baby on the top bunk and realized that it was ben and then he said" why did alberto turn him into a baby and no wonder it was easy for Alberto to kidnap him with that said he scooped up the baby into his arms just then the baby stopped crying and looked up to rook and cuddled up the him and then ben fell asleep just then rook ran to his jet and luckily ben stayed asleep so then he gave ben to his grandpa max and saud to him in a quiet voice so he wouldn't wake the child and quickly explained that Alberto somehow turned him into a three month old baby and with that said max nodded and told rook that he would have to look after him because max would be busy with the two galvins who love to argue 24 hours all day long so he would have to stop them when they do that because no other plumbers would want to deal with that and rook was the only person that would be able to do that so then rook nodded and then let max hold the child while he drove them to plumber HQ and then 20 minutes later they arrived there just when they went inside to sit down on a bench there, max told rook that he would need to buy some baby supplies for ben intill they can figure how to turn ben back into a sixteen year old again rook then nodded with understanding and then took ben to the grocery store to buy ben some baby supplies with money that max gave him and he bought baby diaper, baby powder, baby wripes, baby bottles, baby food, baby formula,baby crib diaper mat, high chair and baby toys he then paided for them all and he got help from a nice lady that he knew who was glad to help him carry all of the supplies and then she was getting in her car so she could drive to his house and put together the crib, highchair, put the bottles and formula in the cupboard and set the baby food in the fridge and then after she set everthing up and she then said goodbye to rook and she took off to her house. When he got inside his house with the baby in his arms he heard wimpering and he looked down at the baby and he knew that ben was hungry because ben started to suck on his fingers so then rook heated up a bottle of warm milk and some baby food and fed ben the baby food after ben was being stuborn he finally got ben to eat and then he fed ben his warm milk and then burped him and then sat him down in his crib that was next to rooks bed so that he could hear ben when he cries in the middle of the night for something so then he gave ben a plush toy that was a monkey plushy, he then gave a binkey to ben and covered him up with his blanket and then he went to sleep and ben went to sleep for the night.

Next chapter is rude awakening.

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