1st birthday party

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It was then 5 minutes after rook put ben in time out and he then got ben out of time out and sat him in a high chair to have his cake but before that rook told everyone that he invited that the child he was holding was ben. The people that he invited were max, bens parents, the plumbers, blukic and diba, gwen and Kevin leven. Ben said hi to them since he know knew how to say hi to people and bye bye and he can say no and other needs like if he's hungry or he needs a new diaper or if he's full which that all he can say for now, ben was sitting in his high chair and for some reason he was trying to get down but no one realized that intill ben said a new word he said down, so then rook said" ben you need to sit there intill you eat your cake and ice cream, then ben said i dont wanna eat cake cause i dont know what it is please down this chairs hurting me now kay, well now ben can say sentences, okay ben but your grandpa has to hold you okay rook said. Okay ben said ben was then tooken out of his high chair and sat in max's lap and then people sang happy birthday and after the song ben was given a piece of cake and he looked at it and then shoved the cake in his mouth and cake was all over his face and hair and then everyone laughed so then ben laughed as well so then everyone else started eating cake and ice cream and ben also shoved ice cream in his mouth and his face and then started shivering from the cold ice cream, when everyone was done eating then heading home and giving a ben a hug and after everyone left rook took ben and sat him next to a tub of water with bubbles. Ben was trying to lift his shirt over his head but was having no luck with it so rook tried to help but ben said i do it but he couldnt so he gave up and let rook help him so he did when bens shirt, pants and diaper were off rook lifted ben into the tub and he let ben play with his rubber ducks and frogs while rook cleaned ben off and when rook was done he lifted ben up and put footed pajamas that max gave him on him and combed his hair then he took ben to the living room to watch cartoons and rook gave ben some apple juice in his new sippy cup with a dinosaur on it to him which was given to him from his mom and dad and he drank all of it just then ben hot tired so rook took him to his crib and gave him his new binkey that blukic and driba gave him and his new blanket that thw plumber got him and he went to sleep after telling rook that he loved him and fell fast asleep and then rook went to sleep.

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