Chapter 12-You Made Me

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Kat's Pov


I wake up to here two people screaming. One is Connor and one is Ricky.

"TAKE IT DOWN!" Connor screams.

"no" Ricky says normally

"Take it down before she sees it."

"No, she needs to see it."

"You made me say it."

"I only made you admit that you like her. The rest was all you. It's a beautiful speech by the way."

"Just take it down."

"No she needs to see it first."

"Please Ricky!"

"How bout this. I'll take it down in an hour, at noon."

"Fine." Connor says and starts to stomp upstairs.

I sit up and notice I'm in Connors room. I remember climbing in here last night cause of my bad dream. I sit up and go onto my phone. It's 11am. I open twitter when Connor walks through the door.

"No no no no no no no no." he says and grabs my phone.

"What are you doing?" I say "Let's go a day without phones. PWEASE." he asks me.

"fine" I say while giggling.

Connor is lying on top of me, using his arms to hold him up.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask him

"Go back to sleep." he says climbing into the bed and holding me. I turn around and face him. He looks at me and says

"Your beautiful."

"So I have been told."

He smiles and kisses my nose. "I love you" he says

"Love you too my little Coffee Bean" I say.

"Your my chocolate bean." he says.

"Yes I am!"

He smiles and than closed his eyes and so do I.

I can't sleep though. I keep on thinking about why Connor was screaming at Ricky. I decide to go on my twitter wanting to find out. I find that Ricky has posted two videos. One was the Arizona incident. Connor couldn't have gotten mad at him for that? I play the other video. I watch as Connor says "I like Kat." He likes me? He likes me! He really likes me! I put away my phone and recall what I heard this morning.

"You made me say it." I remember Connor say. I just sit there. So he doesn't like me. I let out a few sniffles. I get up and go back into my room. I close my window, close my balcony and I lock my door. I sit on my bed and I cry. I listen to sappy music for infinity and I just cry. I'm completely soaked when I decide to get up. My pillow is damp and a part of my bed spread is as well. I look at the clock. 4pm. I've been crying for 5 hours. I get dressed into different pjs and I clean up my face. I turn on my tv and I watch re-runs of Zoey101 until I hear a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I say quietly. "Julia" I open the door. "Hi" I say. "Are you okay? I just woke up and I had fifty something phone calls from Connor. He doesn't know where you are and was really worried. Did you guys get into a fight?" She says.

"No.. it's nothing."

"Sweetheart, your crying your heart out. There's something wrong. Connor doesn't even know. Which means that you guys didn't get into a fight. So what is it."

Julia sits down on my bed and I mute my tv. I spill everything. From the argument I heard this morning to the video to me leaving Connor.

"You know he loves you. Right?" Julia says.

"Yah as a friend."

"He kisses you all the time."

"A friend thing. and never on the lips."

"He told me he likes you... More than a friend."

"Yah as a best friend."

"No he was talking about girlfriend material."


I sit on my bed for a while.

"Connors worried sick."

"I'm okay. You can tell him that."

I look for my phone and remember I left it in Connors room. I'm not going to go get it. Whatever. I'll get it later. Julia leaves and I watch That's so Raven until I fall asleep.

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