This Could Be the End, Chapter 20

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A few weeks later..
I was in the kitchen making supper for the kids when I heard a knock at the door.

"I'll get it," Leo yelled.

I had Mandy in the kitchen with me in her play pen. She was laying down and playing with her toys.

"Who is it," I yelled back to Leo.

"It's daddy," he screamed.

I was going to stop him because in me and Jimmys last fight I told him to get out of our lives and never come back in the house. I didn't want to get nasty with Jim in front of Leo though. So I just kept making diner.

"How's my big boy," I heard Jimmy say.

Leo just giggled and giggled. Then Jim came walking into the kitchen with Leo on his shoulders. He then put him on the ground and went over to pick up Mandy.

"My little princess is so big," he said.

Then she would start to giggle.

"Dinner," I yelled.

Leo rushed to his spot. He already had his plate ready. I put chicken and mashed potatoes on his plate. I then went over to Jimmy and told him to put Mandy in her hottie chair and that he can feed her her favorite;carrots. I got myself a plate and sat down beside Leo.

"Daddy did you get me anything," Leo asked.

"Maybe. You'll have to eat your dinner first though," Jimmy told him.

Leo then ate as fast as he could.

"Leo that is no way to eat. You have to wait for him to finish feeding your sister first. Now go get a piece of pie and eat it like gentleman," I scolded  him.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Don't say sorry to me you should say sorry to your dad and sister and your stomach because your tummy will not feel so good if you eat that fast," I scolded him again.

He then kept quiet and ate his pie. Mandy was just about finished but Jimmy had to give a bottle to her yet. I handed one to him.

"Don't forget to burp her," I added sternly.

I then went to Leo and told him if he was full he could leave the table. I then went into the living room to watch some tv with Leo.

"Leo can I sit with you," I asked him.

"Sure," he mumbled.

I took a seat. He was watching the Lone Ranger.

"Hey bud, I'm sorry I yelled at you but mommy isn't herself right now because of daddy," I explained.

"Ok," he mumbled again.

"I love you ok. But just remember that you eat very slow because it might make you sick. Do you feel sick now," I asked him.

"A little," he confessed.

I then gave him a hug. Then Jimmy came into the room with Mandy and she was giggling and screaming with laughter. He then put her on the floor to crawl.

"Do you want your present Leo," Jimmy asked.

"Yes sir," he pleaded.

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