Chapter 4. Making friends

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Chapter 4...

Ryder's POV...

After my date with Isla, I couldn't seem to get her off my mind. I don't know what it is about her that I find so intriguing, but I could never be what she deserves. I could never be anything other than friends with her, this is strictly business. I'd only known Isla for a day and she was driving me mad.

That girl really got under my skin. But I couldn't allow her to have the upper hand in this, I had money riding on this. Big money. I couldn't have my respect decreased, I had to live up to my name.

There's things she didn't know about me, no one did. Not even my friends. There's things about me she could never find out.

Isla's POV...

After having Ryder drop me home that night, I haven't heard from him since. No call or anything. Which is unusual, seen as though he seemed so keen to have me as his next fuck.

I understood what he wanted me for, and I was fine about it. No boy would ever want me for more than that anyway, I was damaged goods. No one could fix me.

I had my reasons to have no respect for myself, I had my issues just like everybody else. But I chose to not let them rule me, I chose to make my own rules.

After waking up, and discovering no one was in the house. As usual. I got ready and set off to school. No ones ever home, my mum is always travelling, as it's part of her job. I don't blame her for the mess we are in, because her job keeps us financially secure. She does well for a single parent and as seen as though I have none of my siblings living with me in America, I was always alone.

I have a brother and a sister, both the age of 5, twins actually. But my mum failed to look after them because of her having to work all the time, they was taken into care and later adopted, they are still currently in England and as for my Dad, he's poison and I haven't seen him for the last 4 years.

Pulling into the school parking lot, my eyes was drawn to Ryder himself who was bluntly attempting to sit on the bonnet of my car.

"Oi, jackass. Watch the paint work"

"Nice wheels by the way, come on princess" he said, tugging at my waist.

Walking into school with Ryder Daniels was daunting to say the least, everyone was looking our way. It was like being a celebrity, I love attention. But this was something else.

"Oh Ryder babe, is this your new slut?" I looked over to see Malibu Barbie, overlooking me from head to toe.

"and you are?" I interrupted.

"Sienna" she said, trying to act friendly but she wasn't fooling me. Girls like her didn't know how to play nice.

"Oh yeah, I've heard all about you. The school slut"

Her face dropped, then turned red with anger. Bring it on.

She tilted her head to the side, then faced back at me. Her facial expression had changed in minutes, from angry to sweet. But I knew better, although I wasn't going to agitate her any further. I'm sure we'd run into each other again.

All my thoughts were soon cut off when 3 teenage boys all approached us.

"Hey Ryder, Hey it's Isla isn't it?" said the tallest one. I just nodded my head, shocked at how good looking all the boys actually where.

"Nice to meet you, Ryder's told me a lot about you. I'm Chase and these are my buddy's Miles and Roman."

I looked at each of the boys, all with polite smiles on they're faces. You could tell though that these where bad boys, just like Ryder. They liked to live dangerously.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you all" I said as politely as I could.

Chase has ash blonde hair, wind swept across his iris green eyes. He was wearing a low pair of ash grey skinny jeans, and a tight white button down shirt.

As for Miles, he was dressed exactly the same as Ryder. He was dressed in skin tight jeans and a tight t-shirt clinging into all the right places, he had spiky black hair with hazel deep eyes.

Roman was the quietest of the bunch, he didn't really stand out. He mixed well with the boys but he wasn't really unique. He just liked to fit in. The way he blushed when I looked his way made me realise, he was the outcast of the boys.

Just then the bell went and before I knew it the hall way was clearing for first period.

"Oh and Isla, if you ever need anyone. Us boys have your back" said Miles. Ryder sent a quick wink my way, and went to join the rest of the boys.

When fourth lesson came around, I was more than ready than to go back to bed. I was so tired.

"Hey" said a chirpy voice, oh not now.

"Do I know you?" I half snapped, I just needed some quiet.

"No but I saw the way you stood up to Sienna this morning, that was pretty impressive. I'm Imogen by the way"

Maybe this girl wasn't so bad. I mean one girl friend couldn't harm could it? I didn't really have any friends round here yet, other than Ryder and the guys.

"I'm Isla" I said as sweetly as I could.

"Feel free to say no, but I'm having a party tonight? Everyone's going, your more than welcome to come. I can put you down as Ryder's plus one?"

Sure. I mean why not? I could do with a drink.

"Count me in."


Sorry for the slow update, I had real trouble uploading this chapter. As I didn't know quite how to introduce some more of the characters into the story.

I'm not fully 100% happy with this chapter, but I tired my best to make it interesting. I aim to update again, in the next hour or so, so keep updated.

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