17 Weeks - Alice

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"Congratulations." The doctor that had been scanning (Y/N)s stomach prior said, a half-hearted smile on his face. "It looks like you're having a baby boy."

"Aww!" Alice cooed as she looked at the ultrasound of the little baby. "He's the cutest."

"Alice, calm down." (Y/N) mumbled, a bit embarrased by her sudden outburst. It wasn't unusual but it was still a bit much at times.

"Sorry!" Alice said quickly as she walked over to (Y/N)s side. "Aren't you excited though? We're going to have a little boy! What should we call him? Oh! We should start shopping for his first clothes and we can't forget to get him toys too and-"

"I'd like to remind you," The doctor started, interrupting Alice's rant. "The ultrasound isn't a hundred percent guarantee that it'll be a boy."

"Oh, right." Alice nodded and (Y/N) couldn't help but chuckle a bit at her partner.

"I think we should take it a bit easy." (Y/N) said, taking Alice's cool hand in her own. "We've still got a long way to go before we can think about that kind of thing. Almost five months."

"And then we'll have our own little baby~" Alice sung happily as she leaned down and looked at (Y/N)s still exposed stomach. "He's going to be perfect!"

"Of course he is." (Y/N) agreed as she leaned her head against Alice's. The doctor looked at them a bit strangely but didn't say anything as he started to clean up after the scan.

The two were an odd couple but none the less loved each other to bits. And the fact that they were having a kid together only made their bond grow even more. This was truly a dream come true for them.

The Process of Creation (Pregnant!Reader x Cullens)Where stories live. Discover now