30 Weeks - Jasper

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(Y/N) awoke with a groan and shielded her eyes from the light of the TV that was shining out on her brightly. The reason she had awoken? She had to pee. Like, a lot. The girl attemped to stand from the couch she had fallen asleep on but her stomach was making it a bit difficult. Finally, after about a minutes struggle, she was standing and on her way to the bathroom. She muttered something under her breath about how big her little boy had gotten already and did her business.

Deciding to go on a midnight snack hunt in the kitchen, the girl set off towards the promised lands. The fridge was half empty but there was a few things to gnaw on luckily. She grabbed herself a big cucumber and a jar of Nutella before waddling back into the living room and flopping down on the couch again.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" (Y/N) yelped at the sudden voice before relaxing again when she realized it had just been Jasper.

"I needed to pee and I was hungry." (Y/N) grumbled through the bites of cucumber and scoops of Nutella. "Give me a break. I need my food or I'll waste away."

"Fair enough." Jasper concluded as he watched (Y/N) take out another bite.

The girl watched the TV for a while in silence as she gnawed on the chocolate covered cucumber that, by the way, wasn't as bad as you'd think. But she felt a bit uncomfortable. The girl heaved a heavy sigh before going on the long quest of standing up once again. A hand was stretched out towards her and she looked up to see Jasper standing over her.

"Need some help?" He questioned, an amused smile playing on his lips. (Y/N) glared up at her partner but took his hand anyway, placing a quick peck on his cheek on the way up.

"Thanks." (Y/N) said shortly before steering towards the bedroom.

The waddle there was slow and Jasper seemed to follow her every move as he stalked behind her. The girl picked up a few pillows and blankets, almost overloading herself before setting her sights back at the living room. Jasper stood in the doorway, watching in amusement as (Y/N) tried manuevering a mountain of pillows and blankets towards the door. A few fell to the floor and after a few short seconds, the mountain collapsed entirely.

"Oh come on..." (Y/N) mumbled as she tried to bend down to pick them up again. Failing of course, as her big tummy got in the way.

All the while Jasper was watching the scene play out before him. He decided it would be best to help or she'd never get back to the living room. He grabbed all the pillows and threw a blanket around (Y/N) before taking her hand with his, balancing the mountain of pillows on one arm. (Y/N) glared slightly at the mountain but didn't resist as Jasper followed her to the living room.

"Show off." She grumbled as Jasper expertly placed the pillows down on the couch. "Thank you, again."

"Just glad I could be of help ma'am." (Y/N) couldn't help but smile as his southern accent came through a bit. She walked forward and rather awkwardly hugged him.

"You're the best, do you know that?" She whispered as she leaned herself up against him. Jasper smiled down at her. "Can you carry me over to the couch please? I'm so tired."

His smile widened. "Of course." He picked (Y/N) up bridal style and gently placed her on the couch before covering her in a couple more blankets. "Sleep well." He leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her temple before the girl dozed off once more.

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