Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV

We were going to meet at 1:00 at my favorite little café. It was currently noon so I started getting ready.

I took a shower and did all that before taking on my hair. It took about a half hour to blow dry and style my hair. I wish I had hair like Troye's; his is just effortlessly perfect.

When I was finally ready, I had 15 minutes to spare. I grabbed my wallet and keys and headed out.

Troye's POV

I got ready and headed out. This was my second chance with him. This was my second chance at love.

On the way there I pondered if I should tell him I like him. On one hand, he might like me back, but that's impossible. But then again, it might at least get him thinking about us, and maybe it could happen. Maybe.

I made up my mind. I would tell him. No matter what might happen, I would tell him.

I arrived and instantly spotted that perfect blond quiff. A smile grew on my face as I strolled up to him.

"Hey!" I said cheerfully

"Someone's happy." he said

"Why wouldn't I be? I'm with you." shit. Did I just say that?

"FLIRT ALERT!" Tyler shouted earning a lot of weird stares. Thank god he took that as a joke.

We sat down and ordered our food. We kept talking the whole without a single break in the conversation. It was like we were best friends and had known each other for years, when in reality it was only about a week.

The whole time I kept trying to tell him how I feel, but I just couldn't do it. We stood up to leave, and I knew it was my last chance.

"Tyler?" I said tentatively


"Um. I, uh, kind of, uh, like you." I said the last 2 words barely above a whisper

"You kind of what?"

"LIKE YOU!" I almost yelled. "I like you, Tyler."


AAAAAAAHHHHHHH! How can I get so many feels from my own writing?

So, apparently the strategy of writing on the bus works since now it's 3 days in a row I've updated. I don't know about you, but I'm having a little party over here🎉🎉 and my bus got stuck today, so we just sat there forever and now I have the next 3 chapters written.

Any predictions of how Tyler will react? Just saying, I have a very twisted brain, so it's probably not what you'd expect.

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