Chapter 23

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Troye's POV

Tyler and I were sitting on the bed when he got a phone call. He picked it up and started talking. I tuned it out browsing tumblr.

A little while later I glanced up to see him hanging up. His face held pure shock, before he just broke down.

He collapsed into my arms and we held each other tight as I whispered comforting things in his ear. I didn't even know what happened, but he'd tell me eventually. I could tell it was something bad and he needed someone there. I was that person.

We sat there in that position for a long time before he finally pulled away and sat up.

"It's gone." he muttered "All of it, gone. Up in flames."

Tyler's POV

I was cuddling with Troye when my phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

"Hello this is Tyler." I picked up

"Is this Mr Tyler Oakley?" a voice on the other side asked

"Yes it is." I responded

"I'm afraid we have some bad news." The person paused, trying to figure out how to word it. "There was a fire in the apartment building you live in."

"Ok. How much damage was there?" I asked, not anticipating what his response was.

"Um... it was burnt down to the ground. I'm sorry, nothing came out. All your belongings are gone."

I didn't know what to say so I just said a quick "Thanks." before hanging up.

I was shocked. Everything I own is gone.

I broke down into Troye's arms. He didn't ask any questions, just held me and whispered comforting things in my ear. I'm so lucky to have someone like him.

After awhile I broke away and sat up. I muttered "It's gone. All of it, gone. Up in flames."


So... ummm... ya.... That just happened

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