NCIS LA "I do"

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" Do you, Marty Deeks, take Kensi Marie Blye as your wife to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" "I do." Deeks replies and give Kensi a wink. "And do you, Kensi Marie Blye take Marty Deeks as your husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" "I do." For a moment it's like there is no one else in the room then just the two of them. "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss the bride." Deeks leans in and kisses her on the lips. All the guests stand up and applause. Hettie gives them a proud look. It almost feels like Kensi is her own daughter.

Deeks and Kensi decide to greet all their guests. They walk by some of the tables hand in hand. Then two new guests arrive. Sam and Callen all suit up. Even though Callen hates suits, he made an exeption for this once. Sam shakes Deeks hand and leans towards him to whisper something is his ear. "The area is secured, no one in our out from now on. Eric and Nell are going trough the footage for anything suspicious". Deeks gives him a quick nod and says out loud: "yeah, I know she's pretty!" And wraps an arm around Kensi. Sam and Callen sit down at a table where they have a clear view of the Afghanistan team including Kensi's cousin; Ayoub Amali. Everything seems to stay calm. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then Deeks and Kensi stroll trough the room and end up at the table next to the one of Ayoub and his teammates. Then Deeks sees a man from their table stand up and reach for something that looks like a gun. It looks like he's aiming for Ayoub. He lets out a scream. He gets up and jumps in front of the gun. Everything happened in a blur. For Deeks, after the bullet hit him everything happened in slow motion. Deeks collapse on the floor with a deadly shot wound.

NCIS LA "I do"Where stories live. Discover now