New arrival

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{Wendy's point of view:}

I was walking to English class with Romeo, when I couldn't help but feel like someone was glaring daggers at me behind my back. And in fact someone was glaring daggers at me behind my back. There was about three girls, the girl on the left had curly blonde hair, the girl on the right had short brown hair, and the girl in the middle had long,luscious, jet black hair. Not to mention they all had really nice figures compared to me! I've always felt self conscious about my figure. Then again I was self conscious about a lot of things.
"Is everything alright Wendy?" Romeo asked me concerned.
"Do you know those three girls over there they keep glaring at me?" I asked worried.
"There just your stereo typical popular girls, the leader of her little gang,the girl with the black hair, she's called Nicole, she has a thing for me, and she gets jealous when girls hang out with me. Just ignore her, and if she says anything let me know and I'll make her stop." Romeo reassured me, as we both walked into English class.

"You know your very good at English Wendy, you have a great writing talent, I know you hang out with Lucy Heartfillia, she'd be proud of this work your doing, she's very talented herself." Mr Mystogan said to me kindly.
"Thank you sir, and yes Lucy is really good at English." I replied. I still couldn't get over the fact that I felt like I knew him. The lesson went on for another half n hour until Mr Mystogan made a huge announcement.
"Alright everyone, I have a big announcement that I'd like to make. You and a partner of your choice are going to team up on this huge English project to write a short story." The teacher announced and me and Romeo simultaneously turned around to face each other and smiled.
"Wanna be my partner in this project."
"You know it!" The lunch bell went and we both ran out of the classroom exited to go to lunch.

{Natsu's point of view:}

"Oh come on Gajeel! You have to study!" Levy shouted at Gajeel, putting a textbook in front of him.
"I don't have to if I don't want to, because I have the right to not study shrimp." Gajeel replied teasingly causing Levy to pout.
"Gajeel! I was told to help you study! So I'm going to help you study! Now if you could only co-operate!" Levy exclaimed annoyed.
"Actually Natsu, you haven't studied in a while either!" Lucy says sternly.
"Awww come on Luce, I haven't had the time, I mean I have a basket ball game tomorrow." I replied seriously.
"That's why I came over to wish you good luck." I turned around to see Sting standing behind me.
"Well I won't need it Sting, considering I'm going to destroy your team in the game tomorrow!" I exclaimed competitively.
"Oh we'll see about that Natsu! But I'm not going easy on you, and Rogue won't either!" Sting replied.

"Yeah well fairy tail is going to beat Sabertooth either way so I wouldn't worry about not going easy on us." Gray told Sting, jumping into the conversation.
"Oh yeah! Sting are you feeling any better?" Wendy asked kindly.
"Yeah I'm feeling loads better!" Sting exclaimed happily.
"You just look a bit pale." Wendy replied unsure.
"Oh no, no I'm fine! Well I guess I'll see you all tomorrow!" Sting said, before walking off.
"Don't worry my dear Gray Sama, Juvia will be their to cheer you on! Juvia will be their to cheer all of fairy tail on!" Juvia said.
"Yeah I'll be there to cheer you all on to!" Lucy assured.
"LOVE RIVAL!" Juvia shouted menacingly.
"Juvia! For the last time! I am not your love rival!" Lucy replied letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Don't worry Natsu and Gray, all of us are going to be their to cheer you on." Wendy said, looking up at me and smiling.
"Thanks Wen." I replied, ruffling her hair. Tomorrow night is going to go great! What could possibly go wrong?!

{Wendy's point of view:}

It was the end of the day, and I was nervously walking down with Chelia to the pizza place nearby.
"Aww there's no need to nervous Wendy, I know you'll do fine, after all I'm picking a song we both know the lyrics to!" Chelia mentioned. Although it wasn't remembering the lyrics I was worried about.
"Chelia I'm just going to freeze on stage, I can't do this!" I exclaimed panicking.
"Wendy take deep breaths, it's only in front of a small audience, you'll be fine!" Chelia reassured me, but it wasn't really working. I took deep breaths anyway as we walked in. We set up the stage, and the Lightning and now people were started to notice us and pay attention and now I'm getting really nervous. I don't want anyone to hear me sing. Chelia gave me a quick hug and a bright smile.
"You'll be fine Wendy! I know you will!" Chelia exclaimed, handing me a microphone. I hesitantly nodded and took the microphone. We turned around as the background music started to play. I saw everyone's eyes on me and I was starting to sweat nervously, but I knew I had to do this. And simultaneously me and Chelia began to sing.
As I chase my dream, I got lost deep in the forest of my heart.
Rather than mirrors, it's the clear spring, that reflected a warped smile.

"These tears that I have shed (Don't Cry), gold or silver they won't be.
Those commonly seen tears (Fall From My Eyes), goddess won't even notice them.True Dream Chasing, Chasing,
Surpassing the greatest I've ever been even more.
The instant Chasing Chasing,
That's who I'll become, a person I've described, the flame that burns in one's heart!"

I look towards the door, when I saw Nicole and her two friends walking in looking at me in disgust.
"Oh my gosh Nicole is that her!" The blonde girl said.
"Yeah and she sounds awful, someone untalented like her doesn't belong to hang around Romeo, or anyone for that matter!" Nicole snapped harshly and loud enough for me to hear. I looked around the audience they all had their eyes on me and I pictured them with look of disgust on my face. I bet they all thought I was bad! Because I'm an awful singer! I'm terrible! I can't sing! I can't sing! I need to get out of here! I rushed out of the door, and ignored Chelia calling my name. Why did she even ask me to perform, surely she knows how bad I am! Know that I've run off stage she probably doesn't even want to be friends with me anymore.
"Wendy..." I snapped out my thoughts, as Chelia sat down next to me.
"I'm so sorry Chelia...I just couldn't do it. Everyone out there I knew they thought I sounded awful!" I shouted, bursting out crying.
"Hey! There's no need to apologise! And for the record it's only Nicole and her bratty friends that said that, and they only said that because their jealous! I would know, they used to bully me about it to." Chelia replied,
"They did?"
"Yeah, all the time!"
"How did you get over it?" I asked wiping away my tears.
"Well I realised that singing is my passion, and I shouldn't let anyone else get in the way of that. I'm proud to be me and do what I want. Wendy,you should be proud of yourself to. Even if you ran off later on, you still had the guts to get on the stage in the first place, not to mention you sounded amazing!" Chelia told me giving me a warm gentle smile and hug.
"But I still ran off." I mentioned doubtfully.
"Wendy you have stage fright, that won't go away so easily and that's fine. Now come on, let's go home!" Chelia exclaimed, standing up and lending her hand out. I took it and stood up next to my friend.
"Thank you Chelia!" I said more confidently. Now I'm even more determined to get over my stage fright!

{??? Point of view:}

"So your heading home?" My friend asked me casually. I nodded my head in reply.
"Yeah I mean I've finished my course haven't I. I'll probably just stay home for a couple weeks and find a job." I replied. Of course I'd have to start of with a small job first but I'm sure I can work my way up the job scheme quickly .
"It's a shame, your quite popular here, particularly with the ladies." My friend joked laughing, causing me to smirk smugly.
"As if that'll change. I just hope when I get back my family aren't as rowdy as they usually are." I replied, mostly thinking about Natsu. That idiot always wanted to fight.
"Hahaha yeah you always tend to complain about that. Well I hope we can stay in touch. See you around Laxus!"
"Yeah see you around!" I replied as I walked off putting my headphones on.

And now Laxus has arrived! What will that mean for the rest of the family? How's the basketball game going to go down? Will Wendy ever get over her stage fright? And just what is Sting's illness?! Well you'll al just have to wait and see😉😝

{AU}Dragon Slayer Family's high school adventure!Where stories live. Discover now