chapter 1

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Disclaimer: Sasuke owns Naruto.

Warnings: AU, OOC, mentions of Mpreg, Shounen-ai, Yaoi, unbetaed -please forgive the mistakes.


"I don't want to go," Sasuke said stubbornly, as he folded his arms over his chest.

Itachi sighed for the millionth time at that day.

"Sasuke, please stop giving Itachi-sama a hard time," Deidera said, as he helped Itachi wear his haori. "He's doing this for you."

"Hn," Sasuke lifted his face arrogantly and then left the heavy furnitured room.

Itachi sighed once again.

"Don't worry," Deidera said softly. "I'm sure he'll come around."

Itachi nodded as he turned around and faced his life mate. He first touched his long blonde hair, and then he put his hands over his big stomach, where his unborn child rested.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" Itachi asked.

Deidera nodded quickly. "Don't worry, Itachi-sama. I'll be fine."

Itachi nodded wordlessly, and kissing Deidera's forehead, he left their bedroom and followed after his brother.

He walked down the halls gracefully, and nodded at his servants they bowed to him. He reached to the front yard and found his brother and son together.

"Eiji, that's your own tail," Sasuke said to his nephew. "Stop trying to bite it."

The child was running after his black tail, trying to catch it. He was an unmistakable Uchiha with his pale skin, black hair and ears and tail and dark eyes.

He stopped as he fell on his butt and his eyes watered immediately. "U-Uncle?"

Sasuke sighed softly. "Come here," Leaning over, he took the six year old child in his arms, and stroked his head.

Eiji purred softly, and his ears dropped as his tail started moving happily. "I'll protect our village when you're away!"

Sasuke smiled softly. "Good."

When Sasuke heard Itachi approaching, he let his nephew down, and the child run to his father.

"Father!" Eiji hugged Itachi's legs, swishing his black tail happily. "When you'll come back?"

"It won't take long hopefully," Itachi said, and stroked the back of the black ears of his son's. "Don't upset your mother, okay?"

"Okay," The child nodded quickly.

"Go to your mother now," Itachi said and Eiji run to Deidera who was standing on the porch.

Itachi nodded at his mate, and Deidera smiled after him as the two brothers left the main house.

They found a big party waiting for them at the doors. Immediately everybody bowed down in respect.

"Rise," Itachi said with his calm voice and everybody obeyed. "Are we ready?"

"Yes, my lord!" The warriors shouted.

"What about the gifts?" Itachi asked.

"Prepared as you wished," A young girl answered.

"Good," Itachi said and mounted his horse. "Let's head out"

Sasuke climbed onto his black horse after his brother, and followed after him. They were slow as they rode inside the village.

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