chapter 7 (final)

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Sasuke had an uneasy feeling in his heart. Then again, these last weeks, since Naruto started ignoring him, Sasuke always felt this strange pain inside. He didn't know how to reach Naruto anymore, he had refused any contact with Sasuke, and he had closed every way that Sasuke could reach him.

And he knew the exact reason why…

"Sasuke-kun!" Sakura called out happily. "Weather is so good today, let's have a picnic!"

Sasuke was returning from choosing the warriors who was going to come with him tomorrow and it was the moment Sakura decided to bother him at the courtyard.

"Do I look like I have time for your shit?" Sasuke hissed at the female impatiently.

Sakura was taken aback by Sasuke's behavior, but still she tried once again, "Come on, it's going to be perfect, just you and me!"

"Enough!" Sasuke shouted, getting angrier by seconds. "Everything… Everything is your fucking fault!"

"What is my fault?" Sasuke challenged, she was sick of Sasuke' fool moods. "That fur ball can't speak! He can't have children! He's unworthy of you!"

"Did you tell these things to him?" Sasuke asked, eyes darkening. "I'm the one who is unworthy of him!"

"Look he-" Sakura started, but Sasuke shut her up quickly.

"Shut up!" He shouted, and approached Sakura. "I'm going to fucking kill you. Then, you won't be able to bother me and my mate anymore…"

Sakura's eyes widened, and she gasped as Sasuke wrapped his fingers around her throat and squeezed tightly. She gasped loudly, and clawed at Sasuke's hand. But Sasuke only squeezed harder, dead set on finishing her off.

"Sasuke!" Itachi's voice echoed and he run to his brother. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's chest, and pried him away from the rabbit demon.

"Aniki, let go!" Sasuke trashed in his brother's hold. "I'm going to kill her!"

"Enough, Sasuke!" Itachi pushed his brother away from Sakura and placed his hands over his chest, holding him back. "Deidara!" Itachi shouted and his mate appeared at the door immediately. "Take the rabbit away."

Deidara nodded with wide eyes, and quickly took the nearly faint Sakura in the house.

"Calm down little brother, calm down," Itachi said, and rubbed the nape of Sasuke's neck.

"I can't take this anymore," Sasuke mumbled, and leaned his forehead against his brother's shoulder. "My mate hates me…"

Itachi chuckled, and caressed his brother's unruly hair. "He loves you dearly… You just have a misunderstanding to solve that's all."

Sasuke straightened and sighed.

"Come on, go talk to him," Itachi urged his brother. "Tell him… he needs you."

Sasuke took a deep and nodding at his brother, he went inside of the house. He didn't linger and walked to his and Naruto's room and entered inside.

It was silent, and everything was in its place. Taking a deep calming breath, Sasuke walked to Naruto's nest.

"Naruto?" Sasuke called out gently. He wasn't surprised when he got no response. "Come on baby, your mate missed you so much."

He leaned down and looked into the nest, and frowned as he found it empty. It was odd. Naruto spent his time mostly in his nest nowadays.

He went to the changing room, but it was empty. Frowning deeply, Sasuke walked to the bathroom, and knocked on the door.

"Naruto, are you in there?" He waited for a moment but when got no response he called again, "Baby, I'm coming in," Sasuke warned and after getting no response again, he opened the door and stepped inside.

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