f o u r

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I look at my Iphone 6s camera. Wow! so red! Thanks to the person who makes my forehead look like this.

Haishhh.. How would I go to school tomorrow?

"Haera, may I start now?"


"Okay.. Haera, this is Jin, Suga, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook.. Guys this is Haera," Hoseok point to them

I just nod.

But I realised something. Jungkook? it is so familiar.. I've heard it before but where?

I try to remember it. I close my eyes.

"Haera are you okay?"

"I'm okay.. By the way nice to meet you.. Hoseok never introduce you guys to me," I smile and look at Hoseok

Hoseok just smile.

"Hehehe I forgot,"

"Well, thats okay.. Haera, which class are you?" Namjoon ask me politely

I'm quite like Namjoon because of his dimple.. Sooooo cuteeeee!

"4 Run,"

"Ahhh.. Your are our junior," said Jin

"Of course she is.. Don't you remember.. Hoseok once told us that he has a sister which 1 year younger than him," said Jimin

"Well how about you guys continue playing Xbox and I will prepare some drink," I try to escape from awkward situation

Since they are my bro friend so I need to make something for them. I went to the kitchen and prepare cola for them.

While I prepare some ice in the glass, suddenly I remember something. Yes! I remember it. Jungkook, Jaesoo's crush.

"Aishhh, how would I give that Ferrero Rocher to him?" I ask myself

I bring the drink to them.

"Wahhh Cola!" they all say it together

I'm not suprise at all since Hoseok told me that they all was like brother.

I look at them.. Hmm someone missing but I don't know who.

"Hey where is Jungkook?" ask Taehyung

"He went to the toilet," Suga answer Taehyung's question

I raised my eyebrows. Yeah, still thinking how would I give that chocolate to him. At first, I'm thinking that I want to put it in his pencil case but nah. I'm scared that someone else will open it.

I went to my room. I want to rest myself and my forehead too.Gonna put ice pack on it. Then, I saw Jungkook came out from the toilet.

Aishh should I call him?


Jungkook look at me as I call his name.

"Yes?" He come closer to me

"Err could you wait here for a moment?"


Aishh I really hate when people answer my question with question.

"Just stay here for a moment," I enter my room and grab the Ferrero Rocher

I go out of the room.

"Here..Your fan give it to you," I pass the chocolate to him

"Who?" he ask me

"Just take it..And I can't tell her identity,"

He took it.

"Say to her thank you for the chocolate," he smile.Showing his bunny smile.

"Okay,"  I enter my room back

All I do in the room is sleeping but now I can't because of their noises and I decided to read fanfic.

I went to my table but then I realised that I have homework to do.Dude! like seriously?! Why? RIP my time to read fanfic. I start to do my mathematics homework or I will be scold by Mrs Yura. I do the homework until I sleep on the table.


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