t w e n t y e i g h t

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"Done eavesdropping?"

And I saw a pair of leg infront of and I knew it was Jungkook.

"I-i don't hear anything,"

Gosh Haera.. Why are you stuttered?

"Really? So what are you doing here?" He asked and bend his body to look at me

"Repairing this desk," I said without looking at his face

And I know he gives a confused face to me but no. He laughs instead.

"Yahh..why are you at under the desk if you want to repair it?"


Oh my! I don't have any idea what I want to say.

"I'm searching for its screw,"

"Haera-ah.. These desk already broken. Why you need to repair it? All of these will be thrown away,"

I knew what he talking about. But I don't know why I'm saying all those nonsense thing.

I realised that I'm still under the table. So I get out from there and stand infront of him. He only stand still and our distance is like 2-3 cm away.

I can feels his breathing because obviously I'm shorter than him. All I can see now is his broad chest.

My heart is not in good condition right now because of his nice smell. I think my heart going to blow up because of our distance and his smell. Someone please dig a grave for me because I'm going to die soon.


I look at him.

"How much you have heard?"

I look down back. My hand starts to play wih my uniform.


He exhaled.

"Aren't you supposedly at home right now?" He asked

"And aren't you supposed to be with BTS to practice right now?"

He didn't answer.

I sigh.

"By the way, how you know that I am here?"

"Hmmm let say that I saw you running to hide and I saw your bag there," he pointed at my black bag

"What if you just saw the bag only. How did you know it is me?"

"Well.. I'll know because your bag has a fluffy light blue keychain,"

I look back at my bag. Okay there's fluffy light blue keychain.

How he knows it?

"Stalker!" I said

He just shows poker face.

"Okay you are not my stalker,"

" what if I AM your stalker?" He leans foward to me and his right on the desk

I'm suprised by his action. Our distance is closer than before.


"Haera," he said with his husky voice


My heart is beating so fast right now! 1000mph maybe.

"Haera-ah," he called me and I look up at his face

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you remember what you said back then? The time when you visited me,"

I nod.

Of course I remember it because yeah..He didn't ask me anything yet.

"So I want to use that chance now," he said

"So what do you want?"

He lean closer and his head when beside me. I can feel his breath beside my ears.

Goddamn I can't breath right now.

"Be my girlfriend," He whispered

I was so shocked with what he said a moment ago.


"Be my girlfriend, my babyboo and my bby,"

Okay who teach him to be so flirty like this?


I don't what to say. My mind is so blank right now.

"It's okay.. I'll give you time to think about it,"

I nod.

Then he makes a distance between us.

"I have to go. See you after you made your decision. Bye!"

He walks away.

While me, still thinking what just happened.


Feels like want to kill myself.


Nothing much to say but thank you for reading and supporting this fanfic<3

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