Dance pt.3

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A/N: So on the top, there is a music. DONUT PLAY IT YET!! Imma just tell ya rn. First girl is Kawaii~Chan, second girl is you, third girl is me, fourth girl is Aphmau, and the fifth girl that has black hair and red and black dress is background singers(IDK!!).

Your POV
We all started to dance around, "Is it just me or what, but those guys are good!!" Aphmau exclaimed. "Nope, they are good!" I laughed.

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! That was the Fire four! Give them a round of claps!" Guy exclaimed. We all clapped rapidly. "Do we have any volunteers?" Guy exclaimed.

"You should go" A voice whispered behind me. Making me up, and turn around, facing Laurence. "R-Really?! I mean.. I.. I'm not really a- a singer" I chuckled nervously. Laurence chuckled softly, "I know you're great. If you could write a song for people to sing, you can do it" He pulled a string of hair behind my left ear. "O-Ok" I smiled.

"You guys wanna go?" I asked the girls. "No.. That means Kawaii~Chan has to speak first person.." Kawaii~Chan fiddled with her fingers, "You'll be great, KC!" Valery exclaimed. "I can go!" Aphmau smiled.

"We'll go!" I exclaimed, waving my arms around. As the spotlight hit on us. "Yeah! We have hot girl volunteers!" Guy exclaimed. "Uh...ok.." Valery mumbled.

Kawaii~Chan giggled. As we all ran to the stage.

"It's good we are wearing short dresses" Aphmau chuckled. "I know right" I giggled.

Someone- something.. Caught my eyes. A guy, with red hair and-- "Ok ladies! What would you like to sing!?"

We all exchanged looks. "Power" Valery smiled. "By who?" "Little Mix" Aphmau smiled. "Ok, good luck ladies!" Guy smiled, before signaling to the DJ.


After we were done, we all bowed down. "You ladies were great, awesome! What are your beautiful names?" Guy gave us the microphone.

"Um. I-I'm Y-Y/N" I stutter. Handing it to Aph. "A-Aphmau" She smiled. "Kawaii~Chan!" "I'm Valery"

"You guys were awesome! Beautiful and talented ladies, you may go down!" Guy clapped. As the crowd went wild.

"I feel famous!" I whispered to Valery. "I was before, and I'm feeling it again" She giggled.

Laurence's POV
The girls went down.

I stared at Y/N the whole time she was singing.

She's so...beautiful...

I'm not regretting those words! (STOP BREAKING FOURTH WALL!!)
Sorry! (STOP!!)

Y/N walked to me, as I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"Thanks Laurence..." She looked down to her small feet, blushing badly. "Heh, it's no prob!" I scratched my neck, and chuckled. I started to blush, and felt a small body press against mines.

"!!! Ngh!" I exclaimed surprisedly. Y/N was hugging me tightly. Her small arms not touching together, wrapped around my torso. Her head against my chest, her right leg lifting up.

I smiled, and hugged back.

She pulled away first. I noticed, I was staring at her for too long. Then, she giggled, and kissed my cheek. "!!" My eyes widen.

All these surprises.. From the- my special someone...

"See ya later Laurence!" She exclaimed, before running off into the crowds of people. Catching up with the girls. Valery glared at me, and took her two fingers(which was the index and middle), and pointed to her eyes, then at me. 'I'm watching you' she mouthed. Before running agway with Y/N. Who was giggling with Kawaii~Chan, as her E/C eyes looked at me, and her small kissable- I mean... soft, lips smiled.

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