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What is light on the tongue but heavy on the Scale?

Dhikr, the remembrance of Allah.

Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (S.A.W) said, "I love repeating Subhan Allah , Walhamdu lillah ,waLa ilaha ill-Allah, wa Allahu Akbar (Glorified is Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and there is no God but Allah, Allah is the greatest) more than all that the sun shines upon.''(Muslim and Tirmidhi).

Often when we have our period we feel like we are missing out on our ibadah since we cannot perform Salah. So a good option would be to keep track of the Salah times and use them to instead perform some dhikr.

Our connection with our Lord does not have to suffer any throwbacks but can instead be strengthened during this time.
We must remember that the remembrance of Allah can be done at any instance:
Cooking, Cleaning, Walking, Climbing, Sitting etc...

Here are a few list of dhikrs that you can incorporate

1.SubhanAllah or SubhanAllah wa bihamdihi

Reward: A tree will be planted for you in Paradise.  Nice!  Start growing your own forest right now! Another hadith relates that whoever says this 100 times a day, his/her sins will be forgiven even if they were as much as the foam of the sea [Bukhari].


Reward:Your scales will be tipped on the Day of Judgment, full of rewards!

3. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah

Reward: You will enter through a special door in Paradise for those who oft use this remembrance.

4. Subhan allah(x33),Alhamdulillah(x33),Allahu akbar(x34)

Reward: We know that this dhikr is said after each salah, but when Fatima the daughter of the Prophet came to her father requesting a servant to help with the household, the Messenger of Allah told her to repeat the dhikr before her sleep and the results would be better than having a servant.


Reward: You will get protection from Allah’s punishment.  In Surah Nuh, ayah 10-12, Allah relates the story of Prophet Nuh and how he instructed his people to seek Allah’s forgiveness.  If they would just say “astagfirullah,” Allah would sent them rain in abundance, and increase their wealth and children, and give them gardens and rivers in paradise.

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