Alice couldn't make it today
Bobby said he couldn't stay
Catherine got very sick
Doug got hit with a stick
Elizabeth said "I don't want to"
Frank said "Elizabeth, I won't go without you!"
Gary drank some spoiled milk
Hailey's making a dress out of fine silk
Issy has some homework to do
Joey suddenly caught the flu
Kaitlyn was busy with a job
Lauren was just lazy, and frankly- a slob
Melanie politely said no thanks
Noah's cleaning his fish tanks
Owen is making dinner
Paul's eating dinner- it's liver
Quincy is just too busy
Raymond's bike got rusty
Sally had singing lessons
Tim said he could do something more fun
Umar went to play basketball
Vincent had a nasty fall
Will didn't say anything or even make a sound
X is just nowhere to be found!
Yamica had to go to a game
Zach said he had to do the same
As you can see, no one came but me
So I'll just tell this poem by myself you see.
Blue Houses
PoetryI really love writing poems because you can do whatever you want. Not only that but, I find them really fun to read as well. Hopefully you also like poems as well and if not, I hope that I can change your mind. so.....have fun!