Chapter 3: Disoriented

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June's POV

I woke up with a horrible headache, I looked around my unfamiliar surroundings...wait I'm so confused...where am I? I put my hand on my chest to quiet my panicking heart, tears pricked my eyes as I thought of the situation I was in. 

[Did someone drug me and kidnap me?]

The door opened and Robin walked in shirtless, and I relaxed finally remembering where I was. He noticed my tears and walked over to the side of my bed.

"June? Why are you crying? Where does it hurt?" he said cupping my face

"I-I just thought, I didn't remember where I was and I panicked"

"Don't worry, you're safe. Yesterday when you left the building you were attacked, you injured your knee and ankle so I brought you back to my house"


The two men advancing on me and grabbing my arm as I yelled "Get your greasy paws off of me!"

"Aw sweetheart, you got a fiery temper don't you?"

The gravel cutting into my feet as I ran away from them and the blood running down my knees and my heart, it was beating so fast as the adrenaline coursed through my veins activating my fight and flight response.

*End of flashback*

I shuddered at the memory and subconsciously clutched the blanket closer to my chest.

"Yeah I remember, it was horrible, thank you for helping me--"

I looked up and registered that he was freaking shirtless, and his abs were on full display

"Ohmygod!" I stammered as I covered my eyes with my hands

He chuckled at my response and buttoned up his shirt, "Alright, I'm dressed now"

I peeked between my fingers and was slightly disappointed that I couldn't see his rock hard abs.

"Ms. June, why don't you get dressed. There are some clothes in the closet over there and since you're my personal assistant, this is going to be your room. You'll be moving in soon."

"I-I'll be staying here? At your house?"

"That is correct, I'll have someone bring over your personal belongings later"

"I understand sir"

I got out of bed and winced as my feet hit the cool wooden floor. [Looks like I'll be wearing flats today] and threw open the closet and put on a white off the shoulder top and black pencil skirt. In the bathroom there was makeup and lotions for me to use, so I quickly reapplied my mascara and eyeliner, grabbed my clutch and cellphone and walked out of the bedroom. 

"Ms. June, please join the president for some breakfast" said the butler as he led me in the direction of the kitchen. I walked in and was amazed by how grand and modern the kitchen was.

"Ah Ms. June come have some breakfast"

As the taste of eggs hit my tongue, fireworks exploded. The eggs were so light and fluffy!

"Sir this tastes amazing, did you cook this?"

"As a matter of fact I did"

"Its delicious!"

"Why thank you Ms. June"

"Sir, please just call me June; there's no need to be so formal with me"

"Alright June"

I quickly finished my breakfast and brought my plate to the sink to wash and dry.

"Are you ready to go June?"

"Yes sir, let me just put on my shoes"

We got into his car and drove to the office.

"June, tell me what do you like to do during your free time?" he said glancing over at me

"Well I love reading, especially books on forensics and doing graphic design, I also love animals especially puppies"

"Forensics and graphic design? You're an interesting person June, most girls like to go shopping"

"Well I'm not like most girls"

We finally arrived at the office, I thanked him for the ride and went to my desk to get started on the reports and paperwork. I was almost done with the financial report on the rival company Ethos, when the phone rang.

" Ms. June, you have a visitor downstairs" the secretary said

"Thank you Linda, I'll be down in a minute" 

I finished up the report and sent it to the director, then took the elevator down to the lobby and saw a most unexpected face.


  "Love all. Trust a few. Do wrong to none." 

-William Shakespeare 

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