Chapter 14: What are we?

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June's POV

Finally, the merger went through after weeks of negotiation and I can finally relax. I kicked my feet killing high heels by the front door and went to go change into something more comfortable. After putting on a tank and denim shorts, I went to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Mhmm what should I cook today? Steak and potatoes sound pretty good... As I take out the ingredients from the fridge, I think what is exactly my relationship to Robin? All we did was say 'I love you' to each other, but love is a strong word, it wasn't 'like' it was 'love', are we considered boyfriend and girlfriend? We haven't even talked about the subject...we should talk tonight.

The steak was finally done grilling, I took out the garlic bread from the oven and arranged everything on a plate. I looked out the clock- 6:30pm. I knew there wasn't much at the office because the merger was a success. I sat on the couch and watched Criminal Minds, glancing at the clock I saw that it read- 8:30pm, then-11:30pm. Where the heck is Robin?

The front door suddenly opened, I looked up from where I was sitting on the couch and my mouth dropped. He was obviously drunk because he was stumbling, but he had the audacity to bring a woman from work! And they were unaware of where they were, because they were making out on the floor near the front door. I cleared my throat as I stood over them.

"Robin...ROBIN!" I yelled, catching their attention

"What the hell are you doing? Bringing someone home? Especially from work? What were you thinking?" I ranted, my eyes watering with tears before dripping down my face.

I didn't wait to hear his explanation before running to my room and locking it.

"Woof!" I looked up and saw that my baby was sitting on bed, wagging his tail.

"Oh my sweet little baby, you're always here for me" I said burying my face in his soft fur

He licked my face, his big brown eyes saying "I'm here for you" as if he understood my problem

"Oh Mocha, I don't know even...I don't know what we are and I guess that question had been on my mind since the day he said "I love you"...I-I just wish...he would ask me to be his girlfriend, but that sounds so desperate and I know that all the girls like him because he's handsome, maybe its just the jealousy inside me speaking but I-I just want him to be mine. But what if he doesn't feel that way?" I sobbed out, my puppy listening intently to every word and when I was done speaking, he crawled on my stomach and just watched me with his beautiful brown eyes.

That night, I cried myself to sleep...I loved him but now do I hate him?

The next morning, I woke up to someone knocking on my door

"June? June? Are you okay? Please open the door!"

"Go away Robin!"

"Please June, we need to talk about last night"

"There's nothing more to talk about, you made your choice when you walked through the front door kissing that girl" I said, my voice cracking    You shattered my heart...

"June sweetheart, its not what you think..."

"I'm not your sweetheart, sir" I said coldly  I loved you...


"Leave me alone"   Leave me alone so I can cry...

I heard his footsteps walking away and I sat by my bed, hugging my knees to my chest and feeling absolutely broken. Mocha came and rested on my feet

"Maybe I should look for a new apartment, I mean I can still work as his PA (personal assistant)"

I went on my laptop and started looking for apartment listings near the office, but they were so expensive and although working as his PA pays a lot, I've been sending the money back to my parents so they can save for their retirement. 


I spent the entire day in my room, only going to kitchen to grab food and water when he was not around.

"June, please open the door"

"No" Why do you insist on my breaking my walls?

"June, honey, open the door"

"No" I let you into my heart, the moment I fell in love with you

"June open the door"

"What part of 'no' do you not understand?" I said flinging open the door, glaring at him.

"June...I'm really sorry" he said looking upset. Has he been crying too? His eyes are red...

"I don't care, go take your apologies else where"

"June, what do you want me to say?"

"Well, for gods sake why don't you explain to me what we are? What is our relationship? Because you acted like you loved me, but then a couple of weeks later you were coming home late like you were trying to avoid me and then last night you brought home a freaking girl"  I said hugging myself and letting the tears fall again

"June...thats what I wanted to talk to you about. Last night, that girl just forced herself on me. She must have put something in my coffee because she was also at the diner when I was grabbing dinner and dessert. Yesterday I wanted to talk about us" he said wrapping his arms around me

"June, I do love you, and I'll never stop loving you. Will you be my girlfriend?" he said his hands cupping my cheeks

Damn this guy, he just broke down my walls

I buried myself into his chest and cried, his arms wrapping me in a warm embrace

"Y-yes I'll be your girlfriend" I said after crying all my tears out

He picked me up and spun me around before gently setting me on the ground and kissing me on the forehead

"I promise I will not let something like that happen again" he said holding me to his chest

"You better, otherwise I'm kicking you out of the house" 

"Hey, this is my house!"

"Robin, you don't want to cross me when I'm pissed"

"You're right, I love you"

"你現在才跟我撒膠 [You're laying it on thick aren't you]"

"June, I've loved since the first day I bumped into you at the staircase"




Hello readers! I know this is all in June's perspective, but its a lot easier to write from her perspective, it just flows more smoothly. Anyways I just wanted you guys to know that, in case any of you guys were wondering why her POV is longer than Robin's sometimes. 


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