Chapter 4: Ex Lover

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June's POV

"Jack? What are you doing here?I thought you moved to Florida" I said surprised

"Did you miss me baby? Because I sure as hell missed you"

"Are you kidding me? Of course I don't miss you, you cheated on me with my ex-best friend!"

"Aw baby, don't be like that. I mean come on how often do you see men crawling back to you? You should be grateful that I want you back. Come on baby"

[How... why would he said that? That was an awful punch to heart, it left me feeling like I couldn't breath]

I tried so hard to keep in my tears, I even tried staring at a bright light source to prevent the tears from flowing but it was so just hard. I turned away from him and started walking back to the elevators

"Hey are you just going to ignore me baby? Fine then, you can grow old and lonely by yourself"

I managed to get into the elevator without shedding a tear, but the moment I was alone...I let it all out: the pain of him cheating on me, the insult and how pathetic I was. The elevator doors opened and [Just my luck, Mr. Robin was standing there]

"June? What happened? Why are you crying?"

"I-I-It was my ex-boyfriend and h-he said..." the tears started falling even more and I started sobbing.

"Here lets go to my office to talk"

He led me into his office and sat me down on the couch and brought me tissues

"Now tell me what happened, what did your ex-boyfriend say to make you so upset?"

"My ex-boyfriend Jack, wanted to come back and I didn't want him back so he told me that I would die lonely and that I should be grateful he wanted to come back" I sobbed

"Well he's an insecure person, he needs constant validation from people and you gave that to him in your relationship but when you guys broke up his ego took a blow. So don't listen to this guy, don't let him treat you like trash. You can't be overly sensitive to these kind of things, just ignore him"

"B-but the part about how guys don't ever come back is true, whenever I fall in love I become a complete idiot"

"Well love, love is like a game and every game has rules"

"Rules? What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, in a relationship you were the first to call right? The first to come running to him and the only one to give him gifts during your anniversary right?"

"Right, how did you know?"

"I know, because these are the consequences of dating without any self respect"

[ Seriously? All I needed was a shoulder to cry on, not a critic]

I got up to leave, when he stood up and grabbed my arm

"June wait, I just meant that you shouldn't feel upset over this guy's words. He's an asshole, and letting him back into your life would be toxic"

"Thank you sir"


I walked out of his office and felt slightly better hearing Mr. Robin's words.

"Hey June! I'm having a birthday party tonight at the karaoke place, you should come! I invited everyone including the new hot boss" said Hae-Eun, my colleague who was sometimes arrogant and lazy. She always dressed in revealing outfits and went around flaunting her assets.

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