Kuro High (Black Butler) 1

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Chapter 1

"Ok class today we have a new student. Say hello to Mr. Ciel Phantomhive." The teacher said in a monotone voice. I faced the class of students and gulped nervously.

"Hello...." The whole class said in a monotone voice. I scanned the room again counting the amount of students. 17. 17 new people. 17 people that don't know me. 17 people I don't know. 17 people that will hate me and look like they already do.

"Mr. Phantomhive you can take a seat next to Mr. Michaelis, raise your hand please." A boy with black hair and red eyes raised his hand in the front of the class. He was stunningly attractive. His face had a warm but also a
don't fuck with me kind of attitude, 'Great.'

I move over and sit next to him keeping my head low. I didn't want to make eye contact. He might start calling me a faggot like everyone always did. 'Why did my Aunt think a new school was gonna help?'.

"Mr. Phantomhive? Please answer the question." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up at the board. The teacher, Mr. Spears, was looking at me expectantly. I saw the I purposely called on you because I knew you weren't paying attention look on his face. The board had a long equation on it. 'Pshh piece of cake'.

"The answer is -45xy." Mr. Spears looked at me with a hint of surprise on his stone face. Math was my best subject, I knew all the shortcuts too.

"Very good. Now Mr. Michaelis can you show us why the answer is -45xy?" Mr. Spears then held out a marker.

I turned to look at this Michaelis guy. He too looked like he was just snapped out of a trance. He got up, took the marker, and looked at the board. He had no idea how to do this problem.

The bell then rang and a look of relief crossed the student's face. "Ok then class for homework do questions 1-12 in Chapter 17. You are dismissed."

I looked down at my schedule in my hand. Lunch was next. I collected my books and walked out of the classroom with my head hung low. As I was walking to the cafeteria I was pushed by someone.

My body crashed into the lockers and all my books fell out of my hand. I looked up to see two people standing in front of me. The first a tall boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a white shirt with purple booty-shorts. The man next to him was a much taller man with black hair. He looked a lot like the Michaelis guy except he had yellow eyes and black glasses.

"So..." the blonde said "you're the new kid? Phantomhive was it?" I nodded. "Well that was quit a marvelous stunt you pulled in Mr. Spears' class, unfortunately Claude and I hate smart asses." The blonde looked to the man next to him, Claude I presume, and smiles a sadistic smile. "Claude....beat the shit out of him."

Claude looked at the blonde then back at me. He had an evil gleam in his eyes as he stepped toward me. Then he threw the first punch hitting my nose. I heard a sickening, crack, and sank to the floor. The pain was tremendous and I started to shake. Tears formed in my eyes but I didn't shed them. I would NOT appear weak!

"Stop Claude....we don't wanna get in trouble with the principle again. Anymore infractions and we will be kicked out of this place for sure." Claude then turned to look at the blonde. "Lets go Alois. We have lunch to eat." And with that Claude and Alois were off, leaving me alone in the naked hallway.

I let my tears fall silently. I brought my hand of to my nose and flinched. It was out of place slightly, I could easily pop it back into place. Positioning both my palms on either side of my nose I pushed it back into place with a, crack.

"Gah!" I shouted. 'Damn, no matter how often I do that it still hurts like hell!' I hear footsteps come near me and stop in front of me. 'Great another beating from another dick'

"If you're going to beat me up do it now." I say in a whisper. The person bends down in front of me and lifts my chin. My crystal blue eyes meet a deep red. 'Michaelis?' A look of concern plasters his face.

"Hey kid" his voice is deep and husky, sexy "are you ok? Who did this too you?" I look at him and sigh. 'I can't tell him. Then those freaks will come back and beat me harder'

"Oh um, I don't really know. I'm new and don't know anybody. I was in you math class." He looks at me and smiles. "Ciel right?" His smile is so warm and comforting. I could sink into his strong arms and just look at that smile. 'No Ciel! Remember the last time you fell for someone?'

"Yeah" I jerk my chin down and turn to pick up my stuff. I stand up and turn my back to Michaelis and start to walk away. "Wait! My name is Sebastian if you don't remember." I feel a strong arm on my shoulder and I jump, tensing up. "Yeah I know." I turn to face him but keep my head down.

Sebastian lifts my chin once more so that I meet his eyes. He's so tall! "Hey do you need any help with your schedule?" I did actually. "Yeah actually here" I hand him the paper with my schedule on it:

Ciel Phantomhive, Grade 11

7:45 Science Ms. Duress Room 201

8:45 English Mr. Gray Room 204

9:45 Theatre Mr. Druitt Room 509

10:55 Gym Mr. Middleford Room 302

11:05 Study Hall Mr. Druitt Room 509

12:00 Math Mr. Spears Room 410

1:15 Lunch Cafeteria 100

2:00 World History Mrs. Middleford Room 407

3:00 Club: Art Mr. Druitt Room 509

3:30 End of School Day

"Wow I have all these classes too except club. I'm in Music for that. Man Mr. Druitt three times a day! Poor guy." He laughed and handed me back my schedule. "You can just hang with me and my friends the whole day. We all have the same schedule. Come on you can meet -"

"SEBAS-CHAN!" A man, or woman?, in all red came running down the hallway along with a man with long grey and and a girl with sandy blonde hair. The transgender thing spoke first. "Bassy?! Where have you been? Undertaker and Reyna have been looking for you all lunch period!" Sebastian turned to the group with a smile. "Sorry you guys I was just helping Ciel here with his schedule." The group then looked at me.

I felt so tiny looking at them. I felt myself shrink back from the attention. "Um hi." I whisper timidly. God I hate meeting new people. The grey haired man stepped forward. "He he he, that is right you are new to Kuro High. You are in our math class."

"Actually he's in all our classes." Sebastian then turns back to me. "Ciel I'd like you to meet my friends Grell," he points to the all red clad man, "Reyna," points at the girl with short sandy blonde hair," and Undertaker." points to the man with the long grey hair.

Grell steps forward and looks at me. Actually more like inspects me. "You're gay aren't you?" I was shocked at his question. I mean I was gay but no one here knew that! "Um..." I was scared to answer thinking of what they would do to me if I told. I dip my head down and drop my voice so it sounds tiny "Yeah I am."

I was then tackled into a huge hug from the redhead then he pulls back. "He will definitely fit in. You see Undertaker and I are dating, Reyna is leisbian, and dates Elizabeth, and Sebastian is also gay." Sebastian was gay? 'Not good man!'

The group looked at me and smiled. Reyna stepped forward. "Yeah we are super popular but also not straight. So are Claude and Alois, you probably haven't met them yet, but they left the group for Hanna and the triples." I was still stunned. I looked at the group and met Sebastian's eyes.

I was scared out of my mind. Scared that I could be accepted into a group of people. Scared that they might come to care about me. Scared that I might fall for sexy Sebastian. Scared my life might actually take a good ?turn. 'You don't want that! Your Aunt may have sent you here for a fresh start but she will still beat you down.'

They all smiled. "So", Sebastian's voice was silky "are you in the group?" I could he happy? I take a deep breath in and look at them. "Yeah" I nod my head. Then the bell rang for next class, Mr. Middleford. Maybe this year will be better. My last year before senior year. 'Or not'

End of Chapter 1

I do not own any of the characters only the plot. Neither do I own the picture. All rights go to their creators

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