Kuro High (Black Butler) 21

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Okay so I need some help here! I have been wondering how I'm going to end this story since its been going on for so long. I've been thinking of ending it when summer is over and creating a sequel when they're in college, but that's just an idea. If you have any feel free to comment or message me them! I need the help.

Chapter 21

As we walked up the stone pathway I couldn't help but stare in awe at the house. It was HUGE! Like a mansion. A giant brick mansion with beautiful bay windows and a giant black front door.

"This is where Grell lives?" I asked doubtfully. Sebastian smiled when we reached the doorway. "Yup. His parents are, like world renowned surgeons. They're currently on a trip to Europe on business so that's why he's throwing this small party-thing." Before Sebastian could even knock on the door it flew open, containing the boisterous red-head. "SEBAS-CHAN!" He was about to throw his arms around him when he saw me. "SQUISHY!" He pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I MISS YOU!" He pulled me into the house, leaving Sebastian laughing at the door.

"Okay Grell I miss you too but can you please let-GO!" He got pulled into another hug by a familiar sandy-haired girl. "Oh Ciel! It's been so long." "Miss you too Reyna." I was starting to get uncomfortable with all the hugging.

A familiar laugh was rubbing through my ears. "He he he hello little one." I turned around to see Undertaker. "Hi crazy man." Sebastian walked in and wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his chin on top of my head. "So Grell what exactly are we here for again?"

"Oh yes! We are here to celebrate the beginning of our last summer before we are seniors! So I have broken into my parent's liquor cabinet and we are going to do this in style!" He showed us into the living room where there was PLENTY of alcohol to go around.

"Uh Sebastian." I grabbed his hand tightly. "What is it love?" "Um, I've never drank anything alcoholic before." He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead. "You don't have to drink anything if you don't want too." I nodded.

The rest of the night was a huge blur for me.

I woke up with a groan. "What happened?" My head was pounding and I was exhausted. I noticed I wasn't in the living room, but on a huge bed. In a bedroom. It was pretty huge and a lovely room. Very elegant. But why was I here?

I felt a stir next to me and looked over. Why was Sebastian here? What's going on? I noticed that there were clothes on the floor. Why are my clothes there? And Sebastian's too?!

A panic rose in my throat, a scream threatening to arise as the memory of what happened came back to me.

A ton of alcohol. Music. Kissing. Stripping. Bed.

"Oh god.." I groaned. "This isn't good."

End of Chapter 21

Not a long chapter I know but it had a good enough ending! I would like to tell you all to go check out Dye998 and her Black Butler story! Anyway until next time bye. Love you all!

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