15 (Memorial Day)

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In my town we have a parade on memorial day so...

" 'at's my shirt."

Emily looks down," I'm aware." She leans over him and kisses his forehead," it's time to get up."

"Why?" He grabs around her waist and pulls her down next to him.

"Parade. Don't you remember? We're taking Jack? Rossi's got that float."

The worst part about the Fourth of July and Memorial Day is even though we're celebrating people who have put parts or the whole of their lives to war and freedom, what do we do to thank them? We set off fireworks.

Maybe you've never heard a grenade go off. Or maybe even a gun go off, but the resemblance is uncanny.

"Emily," he groans into her neck," I dont even have my uniform."

She smiles and pushes his bed head out of his face," I already got it out." She untangles herself from his arms and walks to their closet," here."

She lays it across Hotch's feet and slips out the door.


"Don't you two just look stunning!"

Hotch turns and JJ stands in identical uniform to him.

"Hey Hotch," she says meekly and seats down on the float next to Rossi.

"First time back in the uniform?" Asks a raspy voice behind him.

"Yes, sir." Hotch sticks his hand out but retracts it for a salute when he sees the medal hanging from the old man's chest.

"At ease, son." he chuckles," I haven't been a commander in years."

Hotch lowers his hand but he can still feel panic rising in his chest. Memories of Pakistan threaten to slip out of the tight grasp he has on them.

"Where'd you serve son?" Looking the man down Hotch knows this man, like Dave, served in Vietnam.

"Pakistan." He answers briskly shooting a glance at JJ.

The old man nods approvingly. "Glad to have you son."

"Thank you, sir." Hotch turns the other way and pulls the left shoulder patch on his jacket.

"The first time is the hardest," the old man whispers and Hotch knows exactly to what he is referring.

He can almost feel the sand in his boot and under his nails.

They hit a small bump on the road and JJ grabs his hand, the look in her eyes says she feels the same way he does.

"Think about Henry," he whispers and her hand tightens around his.

She pulls a small folded paper from her pocket. "I'm trying," she says breathlessly. She opens it and smiling at the both of them is a picture of Will and Henry.

He, himself, is having trouble keeping it together and wonders how much attention he'd draw if he jumped off of this float and ran to Emily.

"You two okay?" Ask an unfamiliar scratchy voice behind them.

"Trying to be," JJ says gripping her picture tightly.

The wind blows and Hotch's breathe catches in his throat.

"That your life line?" Someone else asks and Hotch is drawn away from Pakistan by a hand on his shoulder.

"Life line?" JJ asks quietly.

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