Chapter 1 "The Begining"

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"Honey, you've hardly touched your dinner. Is something wrong?" My mother asked from across the dinner table, bringing me back to the real world. I look up at her, slightly startled to see my entire family staring at me. I don't know how long I've spaced out for, but it must've been a while.

"Are you going to eat your pizza? Can I have it?" My little brother asks before I can answer.

"Sure, it's all yours. I'm not hungry, anyways." He reaches over the table and grabs my plain cheese pizza on my plate, leaving only fries and a can of coke.

"Are you sure you can't eat those fries? I wouldn't want them to go to waste." My father adds. I look down at my plate and bite my lip.

"Um, yeah. I guess." I pick up a fry and bite it in half. About 20 minutes later I'm face first in a toilet, with my finger down my throat. I gag. One more time. I gag again. Third time's a charm. I stick my finger down my throat once more and what was left of the fries and can of coca-cola came up and into the toilet. I don't enjoy doing this, I really don't. I avoid eating as much as I can so I won't have to. I sit back and lean against my bathtub with my hair rolled up in my left hand, and take deep breaths. I stand up and turn on the sink, letting the water run. I cupped my hands under the faucet and splashed water on my face. I grab a towel and wipe my face dry. I look up and see my reflection in the mirror. This has been my routine for a couple months. Rarely eating, and if I decide to, I do this. It's the fastest way to lose weight. But it doesn't seem to be working as much as I hoped. Everytime I look in the mirror, all I see is fat. All I see is something not worth looking at. Something that is not...perfect. And it scares me to think that someone knows i'm not perfect. I lift up my shirt and see fresh cuts on my side and a fat stomach. Tears being to fill my eyes, making my vision blurry.

"Isabella, are you in there?" I hear my mother's voice muffled from behind the door. I quickly drop my shirt and wipe my eyes as she opens the bathroom door. Dammit, I forgot to lock it.

"What are you doing in here, sweetheart?" She looks at me with a confused and stern look.

"Nothing, just washing my face before bed." I lie. She looks around the bathroom before bringing her gaze back to me.

"Well, okay. And turn the sink off, you're wasting water." She adds before closing the door behind her as she exits. I let out a deep and relived sigh. I realize I had been holding my breathe through the entire encounter. That was too close.

Just so you guys know, the picture above is a picture of  Isabella. <3

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