Chapter 7 "Evil in His Eyes"

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Lilly's POV

    "Thanks again, for saving my ass." Isabella says with a smile. Butterflies fill my stomach as she does so, showing her perfectly white teeth.

    "Anytime." I can't help but smile back, I swear this girl has magical powers over me. I adjust my back on my shoulder before opening the passenger door of her mini van and stepping out. Cold air hits my face hard, causing me to shiver slightly. I look back at her, giving her thankful smile before closing the door. She speeds off as I approach the front door of my house. It was painted a light blue with grey roof. It was a small house, only two bedrooms and one floor. It was enough, since I was an only child. My father wanted children, but my mother did. When he found out she was pregnant with me, he tried to force her to have an abortion. Sometimes I wished she had gone through with it, because then I wouldn't be living this nightmare.

    I take a deep breath before opening the front door. The smell of smoke and alcohol greet my nose, and I hold back a cough. I push the door open slowly, trying not to make a sound. I look in the living room and see my father passed out on the couch. Discarded cigarettes and empty beer bottles lay on the floor around the couch. I successfully made it in the house before closing the door softly behind me. I was almost clear of being seen before I took a step into the kitchen. A loud creak came out from under my foot and echoed through the house. My heart began to speed fast in my chest. I snap my head in the direction of my father and notice he's still sleeping. I let out a relieved sigh.

   Thank you God.

    I tiptoe around the kitchen so I can grab a bottle of water from the fridge. The sink was filled with dirty dishes from last night and every night since we moved in.  I ignore it, seeing as it wasn't my problem. I actually wash my dishes. I turn toward my bedroom when I hear heavy footsteps behind me. I freeze, afraid if I move he'll see me.

    "Where do you think you're going?" My father says, his voice deep and his words slurring.

    Great, he's drunk.

I turn around hesitantly, feelings my arms shake as I do so.

    "I'm going to my room." I say, trying to sound as confident as I can but it just comes out as a small squeak. My heart was thumping hard in my chest, not knowing what was going to happen next. I don't make eye contact, afraid that if I did I would start crying. I didn't want to give him that satisfaction.

    "Where have you been? It's 5:30, you're two hours late!" His voice was louder this time, anger very present as he spoke. I noticed his hands turning into fists by his side. I could hear my heartbeat in my ear as my knees start to become weak.

    "I was out with a friend." My voice was small and shaky. He could tell I was afraid, which made his lips form a small smirk before he quickly hid it with anger. Before I knew it, my entire body was trembling in fear. My father lifted his right hand into the air, slamming it down into the side of my face. It was so fast, if you blink you would've missed it. I felt my body falls backwards, hitting the floor ass first.

    "Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled, making me jump slightly. I finally took my eyes off the floor and made eye contact. I stared into his emerald green eyes. I could see the evil in his eyes as he stared back at me, a sparkle of anger to go along with it. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my face where he had hit me. I lifted my hand to feel it, instantly regretting it as it just hurt more.

    "Answer the damn question!" He yells again, never breaking eye contact with me.

    "I was with a friend!" I said a little louder, but my voice was still shaky with fear. He clenched his jaw, anger filling his eyes completely.

    "You little slut. You just can't go one day without some guy touching you, can't you?" He shakes his head in disappointment and disgust. He lifts his legs and kicks my shoulder so I'm laying on the ground. He then takes a step closer to me before kicking my side, hard. I whimper in pain, tears filling my eyes. I hold them back, not daring to let them fall.

   I will not let him have that satisfaction.

He stares at me a second longer before walking back into the living room. I lay there for god knows how long until I finally find the strength to stand up. Pain shoots up into my side as I finally get to my feet. I limp my way into my room before locking it shut. When I'm finally alone, I break down, my body sliding down the door. Tears begin to fall down my cheeks, as I feel the side of my face throbbing in pain.

I look in the mirror above my bathroom sink. The one good thing about this house is that I have my own bathroom. My reflection stares back at me. There was now a bruise right under my left eye. I decide to take off my little makeup, avoiding the new bruise. The other small bruises around my face become visible as I wipe away my concealer. I lift my shirt up and expose the large bruise on my right side. Tears fill my eyes again, memories of my father beating me flash through my brain. There was no safe place for me anymore. The one place that's supposed to make you feel safe, is now my personal hell. I bite my lip, trying to stay as strong as I can.

   Just two more years, then I'm out of here.

My eyes begin to feel heavy with sleep, so I turn off my bathroom light and crawl into my bed. I lay on my left side, not wanting to hurt my bruise. I wrap the blankets around my body and began sobbing silently to myself. I soon let my eyes close, falling into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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