Chapter 16 "Help"

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The cold January air whizzes around, blowing my hair in all different directions. Goosebumps appear on my arms and I wrap my sweater around my torso and I hold it there. I walk along the sidewalk, passing houses and cars that occasionally drive by. I don't know where I'm going, but I just need to be alone. I've never ditched school before, so I don't know exactly what to do. My phone keeps blowing up with missed calls and texts from both Liam and Harper. I don't want to hear about how disgusted and disappointed they are, so I turn off my phone so it'll stop vibrating. I'm sure by now they have heard the rumours and are now bonding over their shared ex friendship. It's official, I'm completely alone. Liam is probably disgusted, Harper cannot be seen with a freak like me and my parents hate me.

After what seems like forever of walking, I finally spot a gas station. I have a few extra dollars from doing chores, so I decide to head inside. The bell rings as I open the door, alerting the clerk of a new customer. I look around the store and end up in the soda aisle and I decide on a simple Sprite. The clerk checks out the bottle of soda and I pay him before saying goodbye and walking back out into the cold air. I park my butt on the bench that sits right behind the gas station, opening my soda and taking a long sip. The sound of the wind blowing and cars passing by fill the air as I'm left alone with my thoughts. We're probably going to have to move to another state if my parents want to get away from this embarrassing rumour. I can only imagine the disgusted stares they get at work and at the store. Guilt washes over me, just thinking about how my parents must be thinking. My worst nightmares have come true over the span of two days. Everyone in the town now knows I starve myself and they must think I'm a freak. They probably think I chose this, that I chose to be this way. I never chose to do this to myself, it was almost as if I had to. I felt the need to do it, to at least try and be perfect so I can please everyone around me. No matter how many times someone would tell me they're proud of me or that they think I'm pretty, I never believed them. I don't know why, it's almost as if I'm ammund to compliments. Because in the back of my mind, all I can think is: They're lying to you. They think your fat and ugly, they think you're worthless and a piece of crap. You're an embarrassment. Even my own family, I feel like I let them down. They wanted me to be skinny and pretty and popular and smart. But in reality, I'm nothing more than a piece of garbage.

    "There you are." A familiar voice sighs, startling me back to reality.

    "Harper, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?" I ask, now even trying to hide the surprise in my voice. Harper is such a goody two shoes and never skipped school a day in her life. But to be honest, neither have I.

    "Shouldn't you?" She walks over and takes a seat next to me on the bench and I take another sip of my soda.

    "Why are you here?" I ask, staring down at my hands in shame. I'm not ready to hear her insults just yet.

    "I was worried about you, you haven't returned any of my texts or calls." I feel her eyes staring at the side of my head, worry clear in her voice.

    "You don't have to pretend to be my friend, I understand." I clench my jaw, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

    "Isabella, you are my best friend. There is nothing in this world that can make me walk away from you." She gets off the bench and crouched down on the ground in front of me, making me look in her eyes. "I will be here every step of the way, Isabella. You're my best friend and I love you." She whispers, standing up slightly so she can wrap her arms around my body. Her warmth causes my goosebumps to disappear and I wrap my arms around her as well, returning this much needed hug. I let out a sob, then another, then another and I find myself full out crying into her hug, but she doesn't say anything. She just holds me tighter, like she's afraid that if she lets go, I'll fall apart. And I grateful for that.

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