Chapter 1

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My eyes widen as I hear My Mom's roar echo through the house. "Somin! you better get your butt down here in this instant!" My body instantly reacts to her screaming and gets out of bed in a flash.

I stared at the warm sunlight entering and filling the room. I slowly stretch my arms and legs then made my way into the main hallway and down the stairs. "What do you want, Mom?" I sing out with a giant yawn afterwards.

No Response...

I hustle down the rest spiral staircase to see my mom serving breakfast.

"Good Morning, sleeping beauty, how was your sleep?" my mom said sweetly as she untied her apron. "Well it was going just great until you woke up," I quickly snap back then proceeded to stuff a waffle in my face making it hard to chew. "Hey today is going to be your first day of High School in Korea; I want your day to start off positive, alright?"

She always did that mom thing were she turns any kind of negative mood into a warm and cozy vibe which always got to me. What would I do without my mom...?

Minutes Later, we both finish our breakfast. I clean my plate and star to make my way towards my bedroom. As I walked away something stopped me. It was my guilt. Why did I snap at my Mom like that? I quickly turn around to face my Mom whom was cleaning up the table.

"Hey mom, I uh- wanted to say thanks for the delicious breakfast and your positive attitude and sorry for being so rude" The words come out in an instant. "Hey, it ok I will always love you no matter the circumstances." She flashes that warm smile of hers, I smile back then continue making my way to My Bedroom.

I quickly resume my morning, which consists of changing into my uniform, brushing my teeth, and washing my face. If there is anything I recommend to everyone is to always cleanse your face an wear sunscreen when going out.
I apply a peachy lipstick to my inner lips then run out My Bedroom door.

I make my way downstairs and out the front door. But before I did, I gave my mom a hug. Today was her first day at work too. "Good luck Mom! Today will be your first day of being the CEO of The Min Corp," I flash a big smile.

[15 Minutes Later]

There I stood, inches away from entering my new High School. I knew that as soon as I entered I'd become the new girl, that has to make new impressions. I knew that there would be gossip and rumors. But what scared me the most was knowing that I'd have to make new friends and I'd actually have to socialize. How gross...

After minutes of just contemplating on my pure existence I finally walked into the campus expecting the worse. What if I would suddenly slipped and fell, or my backpack fell in-front of everyone... I took a deep breath knowing something bad was bound to happen.

"HEY YOU! GIRL WITH A WHITE BACKPACK AND BROWN HAIR!" A female voice screamed from a distance. My stomach sank as I realized not only did I have a white backpack but also brown hair. I knew it! I knew something bad was gonna happen!

I turned around to see a girl with long wavy black hair, with pale glowy skin and cherry colored lips, walking towards me. My heart started beating faster. Although I don't like to admit it, IM SEVERELY SCARED OF PRETTY PEOPLE! And this girl just happens to be the prettiest girl I've ever seen.

"Yes...?" I let out a little nervous mumble.
"You're new, right?" She lifts her eyebrows and gives a devilish smirk. Her sparkly eyes look me up and down making me even more nervous. Get it together Somin! PLEASE!                                                          

"Yeah im the new transfer student, why?" I once again mange to mumble nervously. Why must I be so awkward? Suddenly something comes over me. Maybe some sort of demon possessed me, but without me realizing I snap at her. "Is there a problem or not? Because I'd rather you not waste my time."

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